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To change the world.

Gabriel Mata

I don´t think the world could change on a good way, through the times we have seen how
speaking doesn’t change things to better, in fact in most of the cases it change to worse. I
believe that to change the world, a new world have to be created, it is a kind of ``Thanos´´
feeling, but couldn’t be as bad as if we lose the time trying to change the whole world
minds. Would be like we have received help by an equitable person.

I think that the way to get a better world is being less compressive than we are now. In the
past if you were bad, you die and that’s it. Now if you are bad you have lot of law that can
make your life better than it should be. It is like: Could you tell me if this jail is enough
comfortable to you? Man no, if you are bad you don’t deserve anything.

To change the world we got to be honest, to stop believing in things that are not going to
do anything to get a better life, when we start to believe in us to do anything by ourselves
it will be better.

This is completely the opposite of a communist thought do what we have to do. I have talk
about this with my dad and he said that he want to live in a world as the world I´m writing.
We wake up every days and only heard bad news on the radio, or read news on Instagram
like ``a 15-year-old girl was kidnapped on the Friday night´´, and are things that I´m tired
to see.

The world could change, but no while we have this kind of people living with us. It
wouldn’t be a perfect world, but would be close to.

That’s it.

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