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A. We’re almost done taking your blood, Ms. Anh. Hold still for a little longer.

B. Okay. So, Can you tell me what happens to the donated blood?
A. Our facility will provide blood to local hospitals, especially hematology hospitals and surgical centers for transfusions
B. I see. So could anyone receive my blood?
A. Your blood is type O. It will be compatible with all different types of blood. So anyone can receive your blood.
B. What if my blood is type B?
A. If in the case, I’m sorry but not anyone receives your blood. If your blood is type B which means that it's only compatible
/kəmˈpætəbl/ with other people who have Types B and AB. We can't give your blood to someone with Type O or A
B. I have heard about the types of blood rare but not clear. Could you please help me to better understand it?
A. Sure! In our country, there are only a few people with rare blood type Rh negative (or O- or B- or A- or AB-). They will
be more at risk than people of other blood types because this rare blood type is not always available in medical facilities
or hospitals emergency rooms.
B. Oh. So before performing a blood transfusion for a patient, we need to check the blood source /sɔːs/, right?
A. Right! We must screen all donors for infectious diseases like hepatitis A, hepatitis C, HIV, syphilis, and so on
B. Oh! What happens if someone gets a transfusion of the wrong type?
A. Oh it's really dangerous, disrupting the body’s blood system, shock /ʃɒk/ the patient or even fatal
B. OMG! You must have to be careful about labeling the blood
A. That’s right. We keep careful records so no one gets the wrong type of blood. The patient’s life is the most important, the
most precious. /ˈpreʃəs/
B. What should I do after donating blood?
A. You need to rest, do not participate in sports that require strong physical strength. Besides, eat well and supplement
/ˈsʌplɪmənt/ with foods that are good for the blood such as beef, eggs, milk, ...
B. Then I can use blood tonics, right?
A. Of course! If you need then to be used to use the products that contain Vitamin B12 is very good for too production
B. When can I donate blood again?
A. If you eat well and exercise properly, you can donate /dəʊˈneɪt/ blood again after 3-4 months.
B. Okey, thank you very much.

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