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So Anh, What you have is a common skin

condition called wart
B. Really? Is it bad?
A. It’s not too bad. It's quite common in all ages.
Warts can appear on anyone
B. I still don't understand what a wart is? Could you
please help me to explain?
A. A wart is a small growth with a rough texture that
can appear anywhere on the body. It can look like
a solid blister or a small cauliflower.
B. What causes it?
A. Warts are a common skin disease caused by a virus
called human papillomavirus or HPV for short
B. What can we do to make it go away?
A. Most warts clear up without treatment. However, if
they do not disappear, or if a wart causes concern,
medical help is available
B. Like what?
A. The best thing for you to do is follow your doctor's
instructions in performing treatments such as laser
treatments, topical creams,….
B. Yeah! Thank you for your advice

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