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N: Hello, I took a look at your medical history, you wrote on the application that you had trouble breathing,

chest pain and heart

P: yes i had this problem many years ago
N: Do you remember when exactly the onset of the problem was?
P: Let me see. I think I first noticed it about five years ago
N: Have you ever been treated for the condition?
P: yes, I have been to the doctor for health check-ups and drug treatment at the hospital for 5 years, self-medication for 1 year
N: Well, I also saw on the paper that you have high blood pressure.
P: oh, yes. I also have high blood pressure for many years and i am still taking medication every day
N: Have you ever used stimulants such as alcohol, beer or smoked before?
P: oh no! I have never used stimulants
N: Have you had any allergies in the past?
P: I remember I was allergic to a drug called nady spasmyl.
N: oh really, can you be more specific?
P: When I was 12 years old, I had abdomen pain and my mother gave me that medicine to relieve the pain. After that, I had
allergies all over my body and was taken to the emergency room.
N: How did the medical staff handle it?
P: They gave me seawater transfusion and after that day I was completely /kəmˈpliːtli/ cured and discharged /dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ/ from
the hospital.
N: Oh very good, this is very useful information, it can help you to avoid the risks in future treatment.
Does anyone in your family have a history of heart disease?
P: My family has no history of heart disease, but my father has high blood pressure, my mother is normal.
P: Do you think that could be problem?
N: We don't know anything yet. but I think it is related to your current health condition and this is very necessary for the
P: Yep, i understood.
N: Umh!Thank you and please wait here!
P: oke, thank!

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