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Franchesca Panozzo

Strategies for success


What do you expect to be doing 10 years from now?

I must admit that before I started to look for an engineering career, I never thought about how
it was going to be my future, less in 10 years which is a large amount of time. However, since
I have finally decided what my career is, I can know give an answer to this question. But it is
important to talk about my profession, which is Biomedical Engineering, this career
complements technology and science to make improvements in the medical area. For this, it is
required a great amount of knowledge in human anatomy in addition to having a great ability
to use cutting-edge technology.

If I have to think where I am going to be in 10 years, I hope that I will use all of the
knowledge that I have acquired in the years that my career demands to return to Ecuador and
apply my professional career in this country. I wish this to happen, because my career does
not exist in Ecuador, so I think that if I bring my knowledge to my country, I can exploit the
potential of the region to be a kind of pioneer of this career.

Talking about my personal situation, I think that I will be a person with a good income, with
good work offers. I think that I will be a very happy person, because of the help that I will be
going to bring the most needed people. One of the things that I want to accomplish during the
incoming years is not to be only a professional Biomedical Engineer, but also a professional
fighter, because since I was 14 years old, I always wanted to be the best fighter in the world,
so I hope that after earning a good amount of money I can follow my most desired dream.

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