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Franchesca Panozzo

Strategies for success


What did you learn during this bimester?

Throughout this two-month period I feel that I have learned many very useful skills. First,

I have learned to be more responsible with my tasks, since I have come to understand that this is

too important a tool not only in the academic area, but also in life in general. I also learned how

to deal with people, because before I was a little impatient and not very tolerant with the rhythm

of people, but with the passage of time I learned how to understand people and be more

generous. Another element that I gained in this two-month period was always having a positive

mind, filling my head with optimistic ideas to never give up and be able to achieve my goals.

Without a doubt, what I liked learning the most was how to deal with difficult situations, because

sometimes it is normal to feel bad for whatever reason, but it is always important to stop again

and stay calm.

In this period of time, I also put aside some habits that were better to discard, for my

development as a person. As the first bad habit I had, it was procrastination, I think it is

something I have always suffered from, because sometimes I left the important things aside, but

thanks to the perseverance of wanting to change, I think I have mostly stopped this habit. A

defect that I have almost always carried is that for a long time I was a mediocre student who

always settled for the minimum grade, but with this course I realized the importance of hard

work. I also stopped being a negative person, because above all I always had low expectations

and nothing made me think about positive things, however this course offers you ways to try to

change that and I am putting them into practice little by little.

The only thing I can say is that this course is very useful in how to obtain emotional

intelligence and help you to be a better student. Fortunately, I can say that there is much more

that I can continue to learn after this course, and that I hope as time goes by to become a better

student and person. This is why I say that it is important to never give up and always pursue your

dreams no matter the difficulties.

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