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1. You've saved a lot of money and booked an expensive hotel online. The kind you've always
dreamed of. When you get there....
you discover the place is not what you saw on the site. It's not even finished! what do you do?
I would make a claim for my money back and write an opinion about the hotel so that the same
thing does not happen to other people.
2. It's 4 pm. You've tried all you could, but you couldn't get to the station on time and missed your
train. Now you have to....
wait five hours for the next one. all the stores at the train station ar closed. what do you do?
I would wait 5 hours for the next train because I already paid and there is no more where to get
3. It's december 23rd. You're at a crowded and cold bus station, standing in line. the ticket agent
there are no more tickets available. you won't be home on december 24th. what do you do?
I would find another way to go home.
4. It's time to go to the airport. You've packed all your bags, turned off the lights, and called a
taxi. On the way to the airport …
the taxi breaks down and stops in the middle of the street.
I would look for another means of transport to arrive as soon as possible
5. You've boarded an old and crowded plane. All you want to do is get some sleep. you hope
there's no one sitting next to you, but...
you see a mother and a very young kid.
I'd take a sleeping pill.
6. You've on the plane. The flight attendant has dropped a cup of coffe on your laptop. you turn it
but it isn't working. you don't know if the problem is permanent
I would ask a passenger who knows about laptops for help.
7. You've arrived at the hotel a checked in. you're exhausted after your journey. the three
elevators …
are out of order and your room is on the 10th floor.
I would climb the steps; I will make my last effort to get to rest.
8. You've just come back from a shopping trip to Miami. You're stopped at customs. In your
suitcase ....
There are a lot of things you forgot to declare.
I would have to leave the things that I do not declare

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