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NAME: Andrés Estrada Arrieta (671520087)

The crime occurred on Wednesday, October 21, 2009 in Saint Martin, Missouri - United States.
That afternoon, Elizabeth's mom was cooking dinner while Elizabeth, who was 9 years old, was
practicing for a school play. Minutes later, Emma, a friend of 6-year-old Elizabeth, knocked on the
door and asked Elizabeth's mother for permission to go out and play. The mother accepted, but
told her to come back at 6:00 pm.

An hour later, Elizabeth had not arrived at her house. The mother called the police and they
started looking for her, but she never appeared. The police questioned Emma and she said
Elizabeth had fallen into a large bush and asked her older sister Alyssa for help. The police decided
to break into Emma and Alyssa's house. When they were checking the house, they entered
Alyssa's room and saw very disturbing things.

The police questioned Alyssa and she finally confessed the truth. She strangled, cut Elizabeth 6
times in the chest, cut her neck, and buried her in a hole she had dug in the woods.

Alyssa Bustamante was a 15-year-old teenager who lived with her younger sister Emma and her
grandmother. She had mental problems, suffered from depression and liked to cut herself.

In my opinion, this was a very scary crime. It is incredible to think that there are people in the
world who can commit crimes like these and not feel remorse. It is a very sad case.

note: excuse me teacher I had problems sending the video, I don't know if it gives me another time
to see if I can solve it

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