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NAME: Andrés Estrada Arrieta (671520087)

The best vacations I had were those of December last year, these were the best because when the
semester was over, I was able to meet my friends and have a great time. What I liked the most
about that month was that we were doing many things together like playing video games, eating
out, celebrating birthdays, among other things. December 24 is my favorite date because I have
very pleasant memories, that day, I remember that my friends and I were having alcoholic
beverages on the second floor of my house. One of my friends, Dylan, was drinking a lot, started
dancing humorously, and then, fell asleep on the couch in the living room. After this happened, we
started making jokes (for us it is a tradition that he falls asleep at a party and that's why we make
jokes). Meanwhile, my friends, Jesús, Miguel and María José continued talking and eating.

My worst vacation was two years ago, when I traveled to Santa Marta with all my family (my mom,
my dad, my grandmother and my two sisters). It was my worst vacation because so many
unexpected things happened. I remember that we went to eat and I ordered a meal with shrimp,
soon after I was finishing eating, I felt a very bad pain in my stomach and started vomiting. The
rest of my vacation was very bad because every time, I felt pain.

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