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Verb to be – Simple present

I am Valentina

He is Adriá n
She is Chiara
It is Foster

You are beautiful

They are blue
We are happy

Verb to be - Continuous present

I am singing

He is singing
She is singing
It is singing

You are singing

They are singing
We are singing

Verb to be Continuous present – questions

Am I singing?

Is he singing?
Is she singing?
Is it singing?

Are you singing?

Are we singing?
Are they singing?


Is your dog sleeping? Yes, it is.

Are your parents reading? No, they aren't.

Are you sitting next to your mum? Yes I am.

Are you and your parents eating pizza? Yes, we are.

WEATHER (tiempo o clima)

It's sunny (sá ni) = está soleado

It's cloudy (clá udi) = está nublado
It's rainy (ruéini) = está lluvioso
It's foggy (fó gui) = hay niebla
It's windy (uíndi)= está ventoso

It's warm (uó rm)= está tibio o templado

It's hot (já t) = hace calor
It's cold (có uld) = hace frío

It's raining = está lloviendo

It's snowing = está nevando

SEASONS (estaciones):

autumn (ó tom) = otoñ o

winter = invierno
spring = primavera
summer = verano

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