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Reading Habits In Transition Most experts agiae that the tnt as fundamentally changed how wo read. think, end reriber things. However, whottor this hashad a Pesive or negaive impactis stil unknown, How nas the Internet changes the way we rend? “Thar s evidence that we ate reading fewer books, Pitiulaty norton. Let's say you need medical avi, cookng stnuctons, or begraphical information, Who wantsto buy a 300-page beok wen you can tnd a 309-word afee on ne Invarat dbout tho same subject? If easier te ca, ite feo, and ts alo attr However ue aren fact, reacinga lt more overall n adation to our ofline racing. ve reed onine throughout he day ‘95 we check oursmart phones, sur he Iriernet, ‘Wall social mega si, anc catch up on out mal, Wie also do slot more skimming and scanning on the Iternet han w ewe whon wo read physical beaks or perogicals, such 35 magazines and ewopapsre, As we our tha intarnat we ai icky fr topics thet intrest ue and scan forthe ‘space iformaton ne need. search ergo puts millon of possi a our ingens. ie at at hanger ie ea ted mento? Ef Geta nt ol so att ctr ing nets inten ey cols peso ent ony toy, Bee eae lovisomeyes “what youre looking for nan instant, tht hind of Peep ees a me San coal fay pagar rors toeny Hever, "ery ate Oa onioe ran suri cen _ Gontain errors and can't be trusted, so w'e need to be ‘careful wren we use them, | Some worder ith intemethas made it more dificult to conserrate on one task without gating ‘isracted by other things. We ae consaniy Interapted by updates ham social media sites and ‘e-mail massages. We flow linia te other wotitos hare we find mera ink to aher Websites and Jump fom topic to topic We are also bomtarcad wi alot of jank—tor example, newsfeeds about celebrties, pop-un aés about products We don't went rn, a watngs about Yes, ‘Some consider wnat we ead on the Intern to ‘botrash compared to adionalffine reading, wine others see many aivaniages in the mang vedo on he intomet Some argue that reading ‘onthe internet ike oxercieo for the bain, mickng it easier for us fo cope with cistactons and Wink dearly as we lear to make choices ‘that work or us In areoont study, 81% of those ‘suvayed agreed tha our use of te internet nas ‘chaly made ws smarter you are dia aivo-that ls, semeone. who grew up with the Inernet—thats vary good news, indeed.

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