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For PT lnti Everspring lndonesia ( Mr.Gallan/ Mr.Oktaviusl Mr.Tommy)

Doc.lto : QuobllCllXfilll{t2llRev.O

E R€Sardlhg *c pur sda ;kl&-ti*i at FT iFl Facbrf* s.r@bd dFc{*in *alralclg Oy tml{rfrg s , llercby w our


-, ,il eyYragryaffl end Inshlblxrn arsm*ire orlolp1t lox cgrird

Project Deliverables
Foilorirg is a ornflete list of all peied ddiyeratles:

D€&Era0ilo Dettn.@oq

Fab*cation SWo*Days

lnshUation 3Wo*Days

E Sr#mr$ryca fie S01f{,?€ ofpr,qe4"r€'rnt€q e$eae

.*.ar.t $o,*adi-,s 3 !!ffi aqys

Supplied Material
The fofor*ng mat€rials are to be supplied by Dim Sukses trl*andiri Conrpanfe for this pQiect" For PT DlpA SUKSCS
UiANDIRI to meet pro@ mlbstons. tris materhl must be supplied on sdettule. The dre <tates induded in Sre
fulhy*tg tabb repesent orrbest guess based on urrentpmposed prr{ed dates:

*Ote,st|P '!i *eOrlE'

A{ Ercdion orDernotistr Supportreed€d bycorsfidimteam {Dpa Sukses Mandid) I daysafterPO
Sln*cture & cMl makrial {Dipa Sukses liandili}

afra 4rrotl6rcsp€rSflttbrosf ovenr&sc*M!ycie'fsfinftrebffyErifidsrfalslysgnre+{,por.*redat6.

Office : l(p.Teluk Bako RTIRII OO2/OO4 Desa Elangkunegara Kec. Sofonegara Xab. Serang,
sERAilG, BAI{TEI{ 42454
T?B fiollorrir€ taue detaih tle pi<frq for deltvery of the servies o,sined in lhis $oeo8al, This picing is valid for 7
days from trte dafe dfris propoeal:

Sorrlcee GoetC&gery*{

Tolal Seru4m Category#1 Cosb


Total Seryices C@ory#2 Cmts Rp 10.400.000,-

Disch*ner The pr*xs fisted in ttc gedirg table are an eslimate furthe serykxs disorssed ard Exdude PPN.
Sewice out d discussed uill be chargss later on.


fi r@lr ArrrasfncvJce coi#Pr*-rr

lf yul harrc questiom on trris proposal, hel he to contact to us at your mnYenience by email at
dlpe;stdsesrnardfiri@mail.csilr d by phone. Ylle uifl be in tourfr with yor: ne:{ ucek b anange a fdlo*up
corn esation on tte proposal.



Oflice I l(p.Teluk Balo RTIRIY OOZOO4 Desa Isangkunegara l(ec. BoJonGgara Xab. Serang,
sERAl{Gn BANTEN 424il

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