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Instituto Profesional Virginio Gómez

Sede Concepción
English 3 (210425) - 2020-1
Teacher: Eliana Defaur Gutierrez

Aprendizajes Esperados: Describe acciones que están ocurriendo en estos momentos.

Contenidos: Tiempo verbal “Present Continuous”. - Pronombres personales y de objeto
Who’s doing what? Match the sentence numbers to the people in the picture.
Answer the following questions about the interview.
1) What is someone doing in conversation 1? 

a) Using a computer
b) Writing a letter

2) What is someone doing in conversation 2? 

a) Eating soup
b) Preparing food

3) What is someone doing in conversation 3? 

a) Tuning up a car
b) Working quickly

4) What is someone doing in conversation 4? 

a) Playing sports
b) Watching soccer

Listen and put a check ( ) under the correct picture

1. 2.

____________ ____________ ____________ ___________

3. 4.

___________ ____________ ____________ ___________

5. 6.

___________ ____________ ___________ ____________

7. 8.

______________ ____________ ___________ _____________

Read the sentences below and put a tick under SUBJECT or Object Pronoun.

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