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Identifying core beliefs

Take two of the most common automatic thoughts and use the ‘SO WHAT’ technique to
discover your core beliefs.

My negative thought: no one understands me; no one is willing to know me

 SO WHAT? If this was true, what would this mean about me?
I can be on my own

 SO WHAT? If this was true, what would this mean about me?
I need nobody to depend upon

My negative thought: I’m going to let my parents down

 SO WHAT? If this was true, what would this mean about me?
I’m a failure

 SO WHAT? If this was true, what would this mean about me?
I’m not capable enough
Challenging Core Beliefs

Select one of your core beliefs and over the next week record any evidence, no matter how
small, that would suggest that this core belief is not always true.

CORE BELIEF: I can be on my own

EVIDENCE THAT DOES NOT SUPPORT IT: The last week had been really stressful both
mentally and physically. Although physically I managed but failed when it comes to
psychological I happened to feel more frustrated with me because nothing really is working
for me to help me feel more relieved or happy. I found myself struggling with the present
routine I had which really cut me down to have a quality interaction with my friends. I was in
a conflict about how to reach them because they lately have been really busy with their life
regarding admissions and submissions, but in the end I find myself approaching. And yes just
happen to meet them after so long and having a legit quality time with them made me feel
more calm and happy. I was able to get out of trap with help of my friends which made me
realize that not everything can be managed without seeking out to others and there is no harm
to reach out as well. Because at last we are social beings that need the corporation of others to
function healthily.
Other is seeking out for help from a classmate after wasting enough time after getting struck
at a problem. And the classmate does help me with all and I’m thankful for that. This also
reflects the same thing that there is no harm in letting yourself to get help when nothing really
works out.

This exercise I think according to me gives an opportunity to get to my ultimate core beliefs
which actually serves as the base for my emerging negative thoughts. It is very important to
dig deep and identify that root cause that is letting the negative thoughts to persist. One has to
tame the core belief to see change in thinking patterns. Given that the next worksheet helps
one to realize that these core beliefs gets one to focus more on the events that seems to feed
that negative thought or is always make one to concentrate more on negative side. In this, one
often fails to recognize the positive or any situation that condemn that negative belief. But
because of this worksheet I found myself to ponder upon all that happened and how it is
breaking my negative belief. Although I never focused as much as I focus on the related
negative event. And none of the less it affected me badly. But getting through this exercise I
felt that I should not let myself to focus on only the bad but on the good as well.

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