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Claim: Tourism can boost the economy of the host country.

[Topic sentence]

 Evidence: GDP of Macau or Maldives: consistently over 75% contributed by tourism for the last
five years (2015-2020)
 Warrant:

+ Direct income: One particular source of income for the host nation: expenditure of tourists

+ Indirect income: Job creation

 Capital resource  improve the infrastructure/facilities = blood and vessel of any economy

Claim (1)Tourism can boost the economy of the host country.

Evidence To illustrate, the Summer Games Rio de Janeiro 2016 successfully attracted a global
(1 or 2) audience of about five billion people thanks to the Games’ far-reaching broadcast on the
mass media in as many as 200 countries worldwide.
Warrant This attraction has in fact drawn a large number of visitors to this country not only during
(1 or 2) the above event but also many years after that, which altogether has earned this country
a handsome amount of income from both tourist expenditure and job creation in that
Quang Manh

Claim Tourism can boost the economy of the host country.

Evidence A prime example for this is the annual GDP of Macau, to which its tourism has
consistently contributed 75% or above over the last five years.
Warrant This income can be mobilized in order to improve the local infrastructure and facilities
like roads of the system of energy and water supply. Of course, any nations which are
interested in growing their tourism industry also need to upgrade their infrastructure in
synchronization with the increasing demand of their foreign guests. Such infrastructure
upgradation can in turn foster the development of the local economy as the whole, far
beyond that of this smoke-free industry alone.

Ngoc Linh

Claim The priority given to tourism industry in any particular economy can enhance the overall
growth in its fiscal budget. Economy  national revenue
Evidence The fact is that only after the United States governments took actions on catering
services as well as caring attitudes of staffs in multiple tourist attractions were their
revenues [and even their national economy] boosted by around 40%.
Warrant These changes together with attractive policies of the country’s tourism industry can
draw the attention of potential tourists all over the world who are then supposed to
spend money on wide range of local products and services, ranging from hotels,
amusements to various types of specialties. The way visitors invest in these products and
services can boost the incomes of local suppliers as well as creating multiple job
opportunities for the citizens/residents, which, in turn, supports the financial budget of
the host country.
National revenue  whole economy  revenue

Summary Although the implementation of vaccination certificates run the risk of developing the
two-tiered interaction??? among citizens, it brings about creating tremendous various
job opportunities for people as well as reactivating the national economy as the whole.
Implication It can now be clearly seen from the above discussion that the advantages of vaccination
certificates far outweigh its drawbacks.


Stylistic mistake: should be in parallelism

In conclusion  overused  avoid

Tremendous + uncountable noun

As shown in the above discussion/The discussion above has shown that…

From Lê An Nguyên to Everyone: 03:42 PM

In conclusion, although the vaccine passports policy may have potential shortcomings like social
inequality and fraud documentation, it has numerous significant benefits in guaranteeing the safety of
citizens while they are traveling or working both within and between nations. [implication] I firmly
believe that this policy would greatly contribute to the fight against the covid-19 pandemic.

Purpose of this genre: to weigh up pros and cons  draw relevant implication

From Nguyễn Bảo Ngọc to Everyone: 03:42 PM

In conclusion, although the enactment of the vaccine passports policy can cause some problems relating
to the social inequality and the risk of fake passports, it plays a crucial role in ensuring citizens' safety
against this fatal virus and offering them a wide range of job opportunities. From the discussion above, it
is apparent that these benefits of the aforementioned policy far outweigh its drawbacks.

From Hà Vy to Everyone: 03:42 PM

Taken altogether, although the enactment of the vaccine passport policy can have certain outstanding
serious problems like the social inequality or the risk of fake vaccination certificates, it holds an
enormously potential power in paving a route to a new normal life [overgeneralization, more specific].
The analysis above clearly shows that the benefits of these vaccine passports far outweigh their

From Nguyen Hai Dang to Everyone: 03:42 PM

On balance, vaccine passports can grant citizens of a nation safety in the workplace, better job
opportunities, and freedom to travel overseas, but this documentation might also entail aggravated
social inequality as well as potential threats of certification fraud. However, whether the enactment of
such a policy is viable or not is still open to dispute.
From 14. Trần Xuân Khánh (K.T) to Everyone: 03:43 PM

To conclude, vaccine passports is a powerful tool to put an end to our current social distancing and
lockdown circumstances. [Summary]? The downside of vaccine passports seems appears to be totally
overshadowed by its upside.????

Viet Quan

On balance, although the introduction of vaccination certificates is capable of guaranteeing the well-
beings of the population of a nation, occupation opportunities and the safety of international travel, it
entails conundrums such as the potential risk of fraud documentation and the social inequality.
However, the analysis above clearly indicates with clarity that the merits which this policy engenders far
surpass the demerits.

Albeit + noun phrases/reduced clauses

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