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Lolita S.


Reflection about Bio-Ethics

It raises concern about the bio-ethics topic because it`s about life. Sometimes bio-ethics
refers what should be the question? Should we question how life goes or how we manage
life. Not the life we`re living right now but all the living things. We study, we identify the
science about life. Once treatments or drugs are in clinical trials involving human subjects,
a new set of challenges arise, from ensuring informed consent, to protecting vulnerable
research participants to guarantee their participation is voluntary and informed.
That`s why we can`t continue to push this thing in public or in private because It can hurt
all the living things in the process, we value life and their ability to decide or their right to
It is trending on twitter about the #SaveRalph They use rabbit for experimentation of
beauty products. They are the test subjects and as you can see that they hindered the
capability of one’s life to decide whether they can be use or not. Cultivate but in the end,
used as puppet for entertainment purposes.
It is a really big discussion whether politicians or law makers pass some bills about
bioethics or importance of life project so that we can help/protect or support them. By
protecting them is like protecting ourselves from future disasters.

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