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NIM : 63200361
KELAS : 63.2D.25

Make 5 sentences from passive by and without by

Passive with by

1. My sister sings that song, That song was sung by my sister

2. The teaching lecture help the new student, The new student was helped by the teaching
3. Listyo makes a chocollate cake, A chocollate cake was made by Listyo
4. Putra writes a short movie, A Short movie was written by Putra
5. Devi cook a chicken steak, A Chicken Steak was cooked by Devi

Passive without by

1. People drink Chatime everyday.
Chatime is drunk people Everyday.

2. She cleans the Apartement three times a week.

The Apartement  is cleaned three times a week.

3. People watch Youtube videos a milion times every second.

Every second people watched youtube videos

4. China make this laptop

This laptop is made in China
5. Indonesia uses rupiah to transaction
The rupiah is used in Indonesia for transaction

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