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The Impact of Politics in the Church

A country’s political situation greatly affects the position of the church and
the role of the missionary. Because of the incessant advancement of the
technology, the people of the country can easily express their sentiments and
opinions regarding political issues through social media. A mere post can cause a
ruckus and end into such an argument. Public opinion nowadays is so powerful, it
can stir up issues that sometimes get out of control. Politics becomes the center of
attention when something happens to a country. The people seek answers to their
leaders and sometimes, they challenge their leader’s competency. In some cases,
people also call out politicians whom they think that is not doing his job. The people
have the freedom to address the government when they’re in need or when they
want to stand up for what they think is right and just.

As we all know, the Church and the State must be separated. However, there
are instances and tendencies wherein state affairs concerns the church. As we all
have seen in one recent issue, when the people didn't agree with the opinion of the
church about a law they want to pursue, people suggested that the church must
pay taxes if they want to meddle with state affairs and they started bashing people
from the church. No matter where and how you look at it, the issue brought
disrespect to the church. Just because of an opinion about a state affair, the people
vented their frustrations to the church. This political matter affected how the church
and the role of the missionary is viewed by the people. There has always between a
division between the church and politics, not just in terms of opinion but also during
elections and other political matter.

The church and politics may not be in the same boat as they differ in their
ways, what they have in common is that they both lead the people to goodness and
keep them from doing bad things. The people may have different views and they
might be carried away by their emotions which is why it is up to us to show
compassion to one another and no matter how different our opinions might be, we
should not disrespect others just because we don't agree with them. The church
and politics may have been separated but they’re somehow related. The church,
the government, and its humble people is what makes a good society.

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