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1. The first two lines of the poem, "A pot of wine among flowers. I alone, drinking, without companion.

tells us how the author lived his life. Li Po was one of the poets who was primarily concerned with
literature and lavish consumption of wine. He was known for his fondness of drink and is often under
the influence of it. Due to this, the Emperor asked Li Po to leave the royal house and that's the time
when he was wandering alone for ten years or so writing many poems during that time.

2. The lines "I lift the cup and invite the bright moon, My shadow opposite certainly makes up three."
has a bit of sarcasm. Because he was in solitude, it was as if he was pretending that the company of the
moon is similar to having people around him. Symbolically, the moon was portrayed as the friend of the
speaker. His drunken state, singing and dancing indicates that he was drunk enough to lose the moon
and shadow. However, as we all perceive, the moon is a personal companion and It never leaves even
though you can't see it anymore.

3. Definitely yes. The title itself tells us an overview of the whole poem. By the phrase "drinking alone in
the moonlight" would literally depicts the speaker's feeling of loneliness. Right from the starting lines, he
was drinking alone, has no one to talk to and he only have the moon and his shadow as companions. If
you would dig deeper to the underlying messages of the poem, you would understand that the
involvement of wine somehow serves as an escape of the speaker in order to cope with his solitude.

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