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Globalization has opened the doors to all enterprises and countries throughout the world, creating

linkages without borders and a global flow of information, cultures, and so on. I learned that globalization
entails far more than just financial issues. In truth, globalization encompasses almost every global issue
facing our globe today, including equal rights, environmental concerns, cultural appropriation, and many
more. The globe has been able to form cultural bonds as a result of these difficulties. It has significantly
boosted the flow of money exchange and foreign investment into nations, as well as the engagement of
many individuals in numerous political, social, and economic activities. Several internal and external
components influence the business environment, ranging from corporate social responsibility to cultural and
institutional framework. Furthermore, it is obvious that the difficulties that afflict one nation also impact
others; the severity may change, but the problem remains the same.
Historically, if the leader somehow doesn't effectively lead the country's economy, it results in
catastrophe as a consequence of which citizens have suffered. It may still be happening today and in the
future, as it was in previous centuries, decades, and years. So, as a young person, even if I am not capable
of changing history, I will endeavor to contribute to future progress via rigorous concepts derived from my
experiences, information obtained from many professional educators, and learnings. As an economist,
professor, author, lawyer, and political commentator Robert Reich said, globalization means we have to re-
examine some of our ideas, and look at concepts from other countries, from other cultures, and open
ourselves to them.

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