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Matei Pîntecuț clasa a X-a E

Family holiday

I have not been on many holidays with my family, we mostly stay at home and enjoy ourselves. But I am
not into that. I want something new, something exciting ..... something like The Alps. The majesty of the
White Peek and the fresh air, there is nothing alike. The mountain animals are different from the plain
regions. They have thicker white fur and most of them hibernate to preserve energy during the winter. I
also love to take hikes which tire me out and guarantee me a good night’s sleep. At the mountain, there
is not necessary to book somewhere to sleep, you can just go camping. Nowadays, camping spots are
equipped with internet, electricity and clean water. Another fun thing you should try there is going with
a reindeer sledge. This unusual mode of transport is used for lots of years, and it's eco-friendly and safe.
Reindeers are cute and gentile animals who enjoy humans company. What could you wish more ?!

But the mountain holiday isn't the only option. There is always the sea. The enormous mass of water in
with thousands of fishes and other creatures are spending their lives. You can underwater dive. This
sport trains your brain more than your body because you can defeat the fear and the physiological
effects are quite visible. If you don't like that, you can just go surfing. Go ride the waves and conquer
The Seven Seas. It can be fun and very refreshing.

Either way, both of these holidays are awesome and you should try them, as much as you can.

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