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HIP KEY (Must have lock off before leaving ground – must have inversion before full)

Log Rolls – Student starts laying down in hollow position, arms overhead. Student will roll to
one side keeping core engage. As the student passes over the side position, they will arch and
control the roll until they end in superman. Keep rolling. Then roll back to other side.

Ground Flairs – Student starts laying on their back, legs straddled, hands next to hips for
support. Keeping both shoulders on the ground, right leg raises slightly and crosses over left
(left stays on ground). Right leg fan-kicks up and over followed by the left. Right leg goes to
floor starting position, left leg is now crossed over right and moves back to starting position.
Repeat to the other side.

Ground Flair + Roll – Student starts laying on their back, legs straddled, hands next to hips.
Student will initiate flair pattern. As the student gets ¾ of the way through (second leg crossed
over first), they roll into a superman position instead of returning to start position. Repeat to
other side.

Ground Hip Key Roll – Student starts laying on back (both shoulder blades on floor, right leg
crossed over left (twisted at hips) with hanging silk in between legs. The student will move
through the flair roll from there making sure the silk stays pinched between legs. This should
mimic exactly an air hip key. Repeat to other side.

Lock Off Split – Students will both silks together on right side of their body. Students will
jump into a lock off position and split their legs into a right split (right leg in front, left leg in
back) and hold for 2+ seconds. Repeat to other side.

Lock Off Split + Tilt – Student will hold silk on right side of body, jump into right split, and
lean to the left, trying to get silk overtop of the left leg and underneath the right leg. Repeat to
other side

Hip Key to Standing – student will initiate lock off split + tilt to right side. Upon getting the
silks between the legs, the student will then fan kick (ground flair pattern), trying to keep silk
between their legs. As they twist in kick, the student will then land with both feet on the

Full Hip Key – Student will do exactly as they did in the last progression, but will twist even
more so and lean into full hip key position.

Straddle Pike Pulses – Student will start in seated straddle position with hands placed in
between legs. Either on flat hands or fingertips, students will raise both legs as high as they can
with locked knees and pointed toes. With control, lower legs down to floor. The further the
hands are down the middle, the harder it is to lift. Can be holds or reps.

Overhead Straddle Pike Pulses – Same as above, but student will be holding split silks
with straight arms overhead. Much Harder.

Candlestick Rolls – Student will start in seated tuck position with arms overhead. Student
will then roll backwards and straighten legs up to ceiling in candlestick position. Once they have
mastered it tucked, move to doing it piked.

Silk Straddle Rolls – Student will start in seated straddle with open silks on outside of legs.
Student will grab silks near face level (exact height will vary by student’s arm length) with bent
arms. Slowly, the student will lift legs, lean back, and straighten arms until they are in a
straddled candlestick (upper back on ground)

Lock off leg lifts – Tuck, straddle, pike

Dead-hang leg lifts – shoulders engaged. Tuck, straddle, pike


Ball Invert Negatives – Student will jump until hanging candle stick, pull legs down to tuck
position, and slowly lower themselves down to a dead-hang (keeping arms straight the entire

Straddle Invert Negatives – Same as above, but straddle pike. Eventually move to full pike

Bent Arm Inversions – Student will pull or jump into lock off, tuck legs to chest, and just like
the rolls, they will lean back and raise their hips into a tucked candle stick. Once proficient,
student will move to straddle.

Straight Arm Inversions – Ball, Straddle, Pike


Single Pole Straddle Candlestick – Student holds both silks in both hands (silks together)
in inverted position. Straddle legs, silks between legs, hips pressed up against the pole.

Lock Off

Bent Arm Straddle Inversion – Student will hold silks together on right side of their body.
They will then pull up through either a straddle or ball inverted position and end in a straddled
candle (hips up).


Pull up and Hip Key

Swim out – Bring tail over head/torso, grab silks above legs, unwrap legs, start process over


Lock off
Hanging Leg lifts
Basic climb
Pinch climb
Single pole straddle candlestick
Bent arm inversion
Basic Hip key

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