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Safety and efficacy of lotilaner ophthalmic solution, 0.25% for the

treatment of blepharitis due to demodex infestation: A randomized,
controlled, double-masked clinical trial
Roberto Gonzalez-Salinas a, Paul Karpecki b, Elizabeth Yeu c, *, Mark Holdbrook d,
Stephanie N. Baba d, Juan Carlos Ceballos a, Martha Massaro-Corredor a,
Claudia Corredor-Ortega a, Nallely Ramos-Betancourt a, Hugo Quiroz-Mercado a
Asociación para Evitar la Ceguera en México I.A.P., Mexico City, Mexico
Kentucky Eye Institute, Lexington, KY, USA
Virginia Eye Consultants, Norfolk, VA, USA
Tarsus Pharmaceuticals Inc, Irvine, CA, USA


Keywords: Purpose: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of lotilaner ophthalmic solution, 0.25% for the treatment of ble­
Demodex Blepharitis pharitis due to Demodex infestation compared to vehicle control.
Lotilaner Methods: In this phase II, randomized, controlled, double-masked clinical trial, 60 eligible participants with
Ocular surface disease
Demodex blepharitis were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to receive either topical lotilaner ophthalmic solu­
Cylindrical dandruff
tion, 0.25% (Tarsus Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Irvine, CA) (study group) or the vehicle without lotilaner (control
TP-03 group) bilaterally twice a day for 28 days. Participants were followed at Days 7, 14, 28, 60 and 90. The efficacy
parameters were change in collarette grade and Demodex density at Day 28. Safety parameters were adverse
events, changes in corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA), intraocular pressure (IOP) and slit-lamp
Results: The study group showed a statistically significant decrease in collarette grade compared to the control
group beginning at Day 14 (p = 0.003) in the upper eyelid and at Day 28 (p = 0.003) in the lower eyelid.
Decreases in both lids were maintained through Day 90 (p < 0.001). At Day 28, mite eradication was achieved in
66.7% and 25.9% of eyes in the study and control group (p = 0.005); at Day 90, these proportions were 68.2%
and 18.5% (p = 0.001), respectively. No serious adverse events or clinically significant changes in CDVA and IOP
were observed.
Conclusion: For Demodex blepharitis, treatment with lotilaner ophthalmic solution, 0.25% for 4 weeks is safe and
effective. The improvement in collarette grade and mite density observed during the treatment period persisted
for at least two months following treatment cessation.

1. Introduction infestation with Demodex mites [8–11]. Despite its high prevalence
among blepharitis patients, Demodex mite infestation is an often-
Blepharitis is a commonly encountered disease in eye care practices overlooked cause of chronic blepharitis [12–14]. When assessed in
that presents with inflammation of the eyelids, particularly the eyelid community populations, the prevalence of ocular Demodex reportedly
margin, causing frequent ocular irritation and discomfort [1–5]. The ranges from 16% to 70% [15]. The rate of infestation increases with age,
pathogenesis of blepharitis is multifactorial, with infectious, allergic, reaching 84% of the population by the age of 60 and 100% in those older
systemic and environmental components [6]. Demodex mite infestation than 70 [9,16,17].
has been found to be frequently associated with blepharitis [7]. It has Demodex mites are microscopic ectoparasites of the phylum
been reported that 42%–81% of blepharitis patients have concomitant arthropoda with a semi-transparent, elongated body and four pairs of

* Corresponding author at: Virginia Eye Consultants, 241 Corporate Boulevard, Suite 210, Norfolk, VA 23502, USA.
E-mail address: (E. Yeu).
Received 9 April 2021; Received in revised form 16 July 2021; Accepted 19 July 2021
Available online 28 July 2021
1367-0484/© 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of British Contact Lens Association.

Please cite this article as: Roberto Gonzalez-Salinas, Contact Lens and Anterior Eye,
R. Gonzalez-Salinas et al. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye xxx (xxxx) xxx

legs [9,15,18]. Demodex folliculorum and Demodex brevis are known to the eye with the higher Demodex density at the screening visit; if both
inhabit human skin [9,15,19]. These mites tend to gather in the face, eyes had equal Demodex density, the right eye was the analysis eye.
cheeks, forehead, nose, and external ear tract, where they find a favor­ Participants were excluded if they had used any systemic or topical
able habitat for breeding and active sebum excretion provides nutrition antibacterial, antiparasitic or anti-inflammatory steroid treatment,
[20]. While D. folliculorum is approximately 0.3 to 0.5 mm long and topical TTO or hypochlorous acid treatment of the ophthalmic area or
mostly exists in clusters in the eyelash follicles, D. brevis is typically any lid hygiene products (lid scrubs) in the last 14 days or were un­
smaller (0.2 to 0.3 mm long) and resides deep in the sebaceous glands of willing to forego the use of lid hygiene products during the study. They
the eyelids and the lobules of meibomian glands [15,20]. D. folliculorum were also excluded if they had used a topical prostaglandin analogue
mites consume epithelial cells at the eyelash follicle, induce epithelial (PGA) to promote eyelash growth, had initiated PGA treatment for
hyperplasia and hyperkeratinzation, subsequently leading to the for­ medical reasons within the past 30 days or planned to change or dis­
mation of collarettes (cylindrical dandruff) and redness, potential continue PGA treatment for medical reasons during the study treatment
eyelash loss and/or misdirection [3,18,19]. The collarettes appear as phase. The use of contact lenses and artificial eyelashes or eyelash ex­
solidified exudative excretions that extrude out of the base of the eyelash tensions in the last 7 days prior to enrollment were also exclusion
follicle and are considered a pathognomonic sign of Demodex blephar­ criteria. Pregnant participants and those with lid structural abnormal­
itis [3,4,19]. The pathogenic mechanism of Demodex infestation leads to ities, previous surgery of the eyelid margin, acute ocular infection, or
direct mechanical damage as they burrow into the lash follicle and lay inflammation other than blepharitis, severe dry eye, hypersensitivity to
eggs [18]. Demodex also acts as a vector for bacteria, most notably lotilaner or any of the formulation components were also excluded.
Staphylococcus aureus and Propionibacterium acnes [3,18,19]. The Since there is limited available data on the change in Demodex
chemicals excreted by both the Demodex and bacteria induce a hyper­ density with lotilaner 0.25% or the vehicle control, the sample size
sensitivity reaction, and thus clinical inflammation which manifests as calculation was based on clinical and practical considerations. A sample
blepharoconjunctivitis, marginal and phlyctenular keratitis, and ocular size of 60 participants (30 per treatment group) was considered
rosacea [19]. adequate.
Currently, there are no FDA approved treatments for Demodex ble­ Sixty participants meeting the recruitment criteria were enrolled and
pharitis. A number of proposed treatments, including 1% sulfur oint­ were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to receive either the TP-03 study
ment [21,22], 1% mercury oxide ointment [22–25], pilocarpine gel medication, a topical ophthalmic solution containing lotilaner, 0.25%
[26,27], and iodized solutions [27,28], have been found to be largely (Tarsus Pharmaceuticals Inc., Irvine, CA) (study group) or the vehicle
ineffective. Treatment with the oral antiparasitic drugs ivermectin and formulation without lotilaner (control group), bilaterally.
metronidazole and lid wipes containing tea tree oil (TTO), a natural oil Both drops- study medication and the vehicle control were supplied
distilled from Melaleuca alternifolia, have shown varying levels of success as a 10 mL fill in a 15 cc low-density polyethylene eye dropper bottle.
[3,4,15,18,20,29,30]. The label on the bottle specified the participant number, expiration date
Lotilaner is a new oral acaricide from the isoxazoline class approved and included the statement “for investigational use only” in Spanish.
for the treatment of flea and tick infestations in pets [31–33]. Isoxazo­ Once the participant was assigned a participant number, the site
lines are safe for mammals due to their non-competitive antagonism to administered the first dose of the study medication from the bottle with
gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor, with higher selectivity for the same participant number. Throughout the study, both the partici­
GABA receptors in insects or ticks, than for those in mammals, including pant and site personnel performing study assessments were masked to
humans. Pre-clinical studies did not find any neurobehavioral or loco­ the study medication.
motor effects with the oral or ophthalmic administration of lotilaner in On the first treatment day, site staff applied the first dose of study
animals (Data on file with Tarsus Pharmaceuticals). medication or vehicle control, bilaterally. Subsequent doses were
In a recent pilot study, the safety and efficacy of topical lotilaner applied bilaterally by the participants, one drop in each eye twice a day,
ophthalmic solution, 0.25% was evaluated in humans for the first time in the morning and evening. Treatment was discontinued at Day 28.
[34]. Participants with Demodex blepharitis were treated for 28 days Participants were followed at Days 7, 14, 28, 60 and 90.
and followed for an additional 2 months after treatment cessation. Efficacy parameters included change from baseline in collarette
Statistically significant improvement in collarette grade and mite den­ grade and Demodex density at Day 28. The collarette grading scale used
sity was demonstrated as early as 14 days and was maintained through in the present study (upper and lower eyelids separately) was: 0 = no
the 90-day follow-up. collarettes; 1 = 1–10 collarettes per eyelid; 2 = more than 10 but less
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the safety and ef­ than 1/3 of lashes per eyelid have collarettes; 3 = ≥1/3 of lashes but less
ficacy of lotilaner ophthalmic solution, 0.25%, for the treatment of than 2/3 have collarettes; or 4 = 2/3 or more of lid lashes have collarettes.
blepharitis due to Demodex infestation, compared to vehicle control. The findings from Gao et al and Hosseini et al guided the development of
the above described collarette grading scale with grades 0 and 1 (10 or
2. Methods fewer collarettes) being clinically meaningful [35,36]. Demodex density
was assessed by selecting two or more lashes from each of the upper and
This 3-month, phase II, randomized, controlled, double-masked lower eyelids, one lash from each half of each lid and were gently rotated
clinical trial was conducted in participants with blepharitis due to for approximately 10 s, then epilated using fine forceps. When present,
Demodex infestation. The study was conducted at the Asociación para eyelashes with collarettes were intentionally selected; if there was more
Evitar la Ceguera en México I.A.P., Mexico City, Mexico (APEC). The than one lash with collarettes, it was randomly selected. With treatment
study adhered to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki and was (generally in the active group), there may have come a time when there
approved by the APEC Ethics Committee. All enrolled participants were no more lashes with collarettes. If no collarettes were present,
provided written informed consent using the APEC Ethics Committee- investigators were asked to epilate one lash from each half of the lid. The
approved informed consent form. lashes from each lid were placed in artificial tear drops (Refresh Optive®
Participants were screened up to 14 days prior to enrollment and Advanced or Refresh Optive Mega 3®) on four separate glass slides.
initiation of treatment. Participants aged ≥ 18 years were enrolled if These artificial tear drops contain castor oil, a surfactant (Tween 80) and
they met all of the following criteria in at least one eye: More than 10 glycerin, ingredients which can penetrate the collarette and allow mites
collarettes present on the upper eyelid, at least mild lid margin erythema to move and disperse for easier counting. The number of Demodex mites
and Demodex density of ≥ 1.5 mites per lash (both eyelids combined). observed and the number of lashes epilated were recorded.
The eye that met all the inclusion criteria was considered as the analysis Safety parameters included assessment of treatment-related adverse
eye. If both eyes met all the inclusion criteria, then the analysis eye was events, changes in corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA), intraocular

R. Gonzalez-Salinas et al. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye xxx (xxxx) xxx

pressure (IOP) and slit-lamp biomicroscopy (to assess the eyelids, 3. Results
cornea, conjunctiva, anterior chamber, and lens for any pathology and
corneal fluorescein staining (NEI scale)). An adverse event was defined Sixty participants who met the recruitment criteria were enrolled in
as any untoward medical occurrence, unintended disease or injury or the study. Fig. 1 represents the participant disposition from enrollment
any untoward clinical signs (including an abnormal laboratory finding) to each follow-up visit in the study and control group. The mean age of
whether related to the investigational drug or not. CDVA was performed participants in the study and control group was 59.6 ± 2.1 years and
using an Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study chart and was 61.7 ± 1.9 years respectively (range 36 to 81 years). The study group
recorded as logMAR. IOP using applanation tonometry, such as the was 76.7% (n = 23) female, while the control group was 60.0% (n = 18)
Goldmann or Perkins was assessed at all visits. Drop comfort was eval­ female. All participants were Hispanic.
uated at Days 7, 14 and 28. Participants were asked to evaluate the
comfort of the drop using the following scale: (1) The drop was very
3.1. Collarettes
comfortable, (2) The drop was slightly comfortable, (3) The drop was
neither comfortable or uncomfortable, (4) The drop was slightly un­
Fig. 2 A shows the collarette grade for the upper eyelid of the analysis
comfortable, (5) The drop was very comfortable.
eye for both study and control groups; the study group showed a sta­
tistically significant decrease in collarette grade compared to the control
2.1. Statistical analysis
group beginning at Day 14 (p = 0.003) and continuing post-treatment
through Day 90 (p < 0.001 at Day 28, 60 and 90). For the lower
All analyses were conducted using SAS software, version 9.4 (SAS
eyelid of the analysis eye, the study group showed a statistically sig­
Institute, Cary, NC). Continuous data were described using descriptive
nificant decrease in collarette grade compared to the control group
statistics (i.e., n, mean, standard deviation, and range) and categorical
beginning at Day 28 (p = 0.003) and continuing through Day 60 and 90
data were described using the participant count and percentage in each
(p < 0.001 at Day 60 and 90) (Fig. 2 B). Clinically meaningful collarette
category. A two-sample t-test or its non-parametric counterpart Wil­
cure (10 or fewer collarettes on the upper eyelid of the analysis eye) was
coxon rank-sum test was used as appropriate to assess the statistical
achieved in 87.5% (21/24) of subjects in the study group at Day 28,
significance of the difference between treatment groups in the efficacy
compared to 22.2% (6/27) in the control group (p < 0.001).
analysis. Fisher’s exact test was used to analyze the mite eradication
rate. Study and fellow eyes were analyzed separately. Statistical signif­
icance was set at α = 0.05. All participants randomized to either study 3.2. Mite density
drug or vehicle control were included in the analysis; missing data was
not imputed. No adjustments were made for multiple comparisons. The mean mite density at baseline and subsequent post-treatment
visits for the study and control group are shown in Fig. 3. In the anal­
ysis eyes, there was a statistically significant decrease in mean mite
density in the study group compared to the control group at Day 14 and

Fig. 1. Flow diagram of participant disposition at each time point.

R. Gonzalez-Salinas et al. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 4. Proportion of eyes that achieved mite eradication in the study and
control groups.

3.4. Additional outcomes

There was little or no change in mean CDVA during the study in

either group. No participants in either group demonstrated a decrease in
CDVA greater than two lines of visual acuity (0.2 logMAR). There was
little or no change in IOP through Day 28 in either group. In the study
group, one eye showed mild increase in corneal staining at Day 7 and
another at Day 14. In the control group, four eyes showed mild to
moderate increase in corneal staining at Day 7 to Day 90. In both groups,
no clinically significant changes in slit lamp biomicroscopy findings
were observed.
In the study group, drop comfort was rated as “very/slightly
comfortable” by 17/24 (70.8%), “neither comfortable or uncomfort­
Fig. 2. Mean collarette score in the (A) upper and (B) lower eyelid of the
analysis eye of the study and control groups. able” by 5/24 (20.8%), and “slightly uncomfortable” by 2/24 (8.3%) at
Day 28. In the control group, drop comfort was rated as “very/slightly
comfortable” by 19/27 (70.4%), “neither comfortable or uncomfortable
by 5/27 (18.5%), and “slightly uncomfortable by 3/27 (11.1%) at Day
28. No subjects in either the control or study group rated the study
medication as “very uncomfortable” at any visit during the study
treatment phase.

4. Discussion

The presence of collarettes is considered a pathognomonic sign of

Demodex blepharitis; therefore, it may be clinically valuable to monitor
the improvement in collarettes after any treatment [4]. However, there
is paucity of studies that have measured collarettes or cylindrical
dandruff as a study outcome in patients with Demodex blepharitis
[3,34,37]. The present study is the first randomized vehicle-controlled
trial to study change in collarette grade in eyes with Demodex ble­
pharitis. A statistically significant decrease in collarette grade in the
Fig. 3. Mean mite density in the analysis eye of the study and control groups.
study group compared with the control group was found beginning at
Day 14 in the upper eyelid and at Day 28 in the lower eyelid, which was
all subsequent follow-up visits. maintained through Day 90, or at least 2 months after treatment
Mite eradication (mite density of 0) was achieved in 66.7% of eyes in cessation. These findings confirm the results of our earlier, single-arm
the study group at Day 28, compared to 25.9% in the control group (p = pilot study, in which there was a statistically significant improvement
0.005). At Day 90, these proportions were 68.2% and 18.5% (p = 0.001) in collarette grade from Day 14 onward [34].
in the study and control group, respectively (Fig. 4). In the present study, the 28-day treatment with lotilaner also resul­
ted in statistically significant reduction in mean mite density compared
to vehicle control, similarly confirming results of our earlier pilot. The
3.3. Adverse events
significant decrease in mite density was sustained for at least two
months following discontinuation of the treatment. Although the control
No serious adverse events were observed in this study. In the study
group also showed a decrease in mean mite density at Day 14, it
group, 5 adverse events were observed that were not related to treat­
increased at Day 28 and this increase was maintained in subsequent
ment: mild diarrhea (n = 2); moderate systemic hypertension (n = 1);
cataract surgery for pre-existing cataract (n = 1); and moderate to
Previous publications have used a variety of methods for measuring
marked pharyngotonsillitis (n = 1). In the control group, 6 adverse
mite density. While some studies have recorded the number of mites
events were observed that were not related to treatment: mild common
present per eye or per eyelid [7,20,30,38], others have recorded the
cold (n = 3), moderate diarrhea (n = 2) and mild diarrhea (n = 1).

R. Gonzalez-Salinas et al. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye xxx (xxxx) xxx

number of mites present per patient [29,39]. Given different method­ and effective for the short term treatment of Demodex blepharitis. The
ologies used across different study populations in the literature, it is improvement in collarette grade and mite density observed during the
difficult to compare mean mite density across studies. treatment phase persisted for at least two months following cessation of
In the present study, the mite eradication rate was found to be 66.7% treatment.
after 28 days of treatment with lotilaner, which was maintained (68.2%) Funding
2 months after treatment cessation. Previously, lid scrubs with T4O/TTO This study was funded via a grant from Tarsus Pharmaceuticals to
have been shown to reduce Demodex mite density [3,40,41]. Koo et al. Asociación para Evitar la Ceguera (APEC) Research Department, Mexico
showed a mean eradication rate of 24% [39]. In another study, the mite City. RGS and EY have received consulting fees from Tarsus Pharma­
eradication rate was reported to be 36%, when low-concentration ceuticals. MH and SNB are employees of Tarsus Pharmaceuticals.
(7.5%) TTO shampoo was used over a period of 4 weeks to reduce the
risks of possible side-effects of TTO [7]. As such, the efficacy of TTO for
mite eradication remains uncertain [4]. The primary side-effects asso­ Declaration of Competing Interest
ciated with TTO treatment are contact dermatitis, ocular irritation, and
allergic reactions [3,4,39]. Further, a recent in vitro study has found The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
Terpinen-4-ol, a TTO component to be toxic to human meibomian gland interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
epithelial cells [42]. the work reported in this paper.
Recently, there have been speculations that the anti-oxidative and
anti-inflammatory effects of okra may confer therapeutic effects in pa­ Acknowledgements
tients with blepharitis and dry eye. Liu and Gong evaluated the
anti‑demodectic and therapeutic effects of okra eyelid patch on Demo­ Jan Beiting (Wordsmith Consulting, Cary, North Carolina) and
dex blepharitis and reported 40.7% mite eradication [43]. Raman Bedi, MD (IrisARC - Analytics, Research & Consulting, Chandi­
Besides TTO lid hygiene therapy, antiparasitic drugs have also been garh, India) provided editorial assistance in the preparation of this
used empirically for the treatment of Demodex blepharitis in the recent manuscript.
past. Oral treatment with 6 mg ivermectin (twice for 1 day and repeated
after 7/14 days), resulted in improvement in symptoms of chronic ble­
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