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Name: Ilham Maulana

NIM : 18086252
Part I : Reading Comprehension
Comprehensivee Question:
Answer The Question based on your own opinion and experience.
1. In your own opinion, why phisical Education (PE) Is often viewed as a magazinal
subject within the curiculum? Explain your answers by refering to your experience
while you were school studend.

Answer: Physical education is distinguished in schools because physical education is known

to be just playing around, for example when I went to school, physical education hours were
even removed and replaced by other school hours.

True or False Question:

Answer The question based on the information stated on the text.
1. Over 30% of year five pupils are classed as “overwight” or “obese” according to latest
goverment figures. (False)
2. Hight quality PE promotes the sudents physical , moral, social, emotion, cultural, and
intelectual development: (True)
3. PE should provide meaningfull learning experiences within the subject itself. (True)
4. There are uncertaily Opportunity for cross-curicular link and integrative learning in
PE. (False)

Part II: Vocabulary Practice Matching

Write the letter of word that matches the definition on the line. If it helps, feel free to also
draw a line between the definition and matching word.
N Words Defenition
1 Academic Related to learning, teaching, and knowledge.
2 Contribution To help someone or something grow.
3 Encaurage To try to help something or someone grow or become
more popular.
4 Lifelong Long-standing; lasting through life.
5 potensial The quality of action.
6 Secondary After first or less important.
7 deemed Possible.
8 Promote Something given or offered; money given to something.
9 Curiculum A group of lessons or courses related in a field of study.
10 Improved Make better.
11 nurture To help someone or something grow.
12 Performance The quality of action.
13 Topics Subject; theme; a category or general area of interest.
14 cut Spending less money.
15 increased Become larger in size or number

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