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Judul Artikel Literature Review Scopus Judul Artikel aku

Review of problem-based learning trends in
2010- 2020: A meta-analysis study of the effect of
problem-based learning in enhancing
mathematical problem-solving skills of
Indonesian students
Problem-based learning: A strategy to foster
generation Z’s criticalthinking and perseverance
A systematic review of selected evidence on
developing nursing students’ critical thinking
through problem-based learning
Problem-based learning flipped classroom design
for developing higherorder thinking skills during
the COVID-19 pandemic in geometry domain
Changes in teaching and learning practice in an
undergraduate logistics and transportation
course using problem-based learning
Problem-based learning pedagogies:
psychological processes and enhancement of

Experimental analysis of the effective

components of problem-based learning

Beginning secondary science teachers’

implementation of process skills, inquiry,
and problem-based learning during the induction
years: a randomised controlled trial
Developing Environmentally Responsible
Behaviours Through the Implementation of
Argumentation- and Problem-Based Learning

A Study on Teaching Gases to Prospective

Primary Science Teachers Through Problem-
Based Learning

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