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Dinner time in the Simpson household was never one for manners.

All five members were

gluttons in different way, shoveling food into their mouths as if somebody was going to steal
away their plates of pork chops, mashed potatoes, vegetables and gravy. Considering how
greedy they were, the sheer amount of food available was impossible to steal without
several trips to the table. Still, one of the least messy diners couldn’t help but notice one of
the messiest.
“Bart?” Marge asked, looking up from her plate. “Can you pass the chops please?”
“Mmfff!” Was the boy’s response, shoving food into his overstuffed cheeks. He quickly
grabbed a couple more before passing the serving dish.
Although the matriarch took a slab of meat, it was grudgingly. The meal was nearly over, the
family feast finishing with a clatter of cutlery on crockery. Followed by a barrage of sighs
from the group, Marge quickly got up, grabbing plates. This allowed her to wheel round and
get a good look at her eldest child.
Bart had always had a chubby stomach, but it had rarely been an issue for him. He was fairly
active and he wasn’t that big an eater. This seemed past tense these days, as Bart was
becoming a black hole. Sure enough, his torso was rounding out, yellow flesh pushing his
shirt and shorts apart.
As she examined him, she was unable to prevent the boy from grabbing the last pork chop
before Homer could. Tearing the flesh off of the bone in one swift movement, he swallowed
fist sized lump in one go. This was the straw that broke two camels backs. First, the
increased pressure forced the button on his shorts to pop off. Second, it got to Marge.
“That’s it!” She cried, jabbing a finger at him. “Bart, you are going on a diet!”
The men at the table gasped. Lisa raised an eyebrow whilst Maggie was more interested in
licking her plate clean.
“It’s just bad stitching mom!” The accused attempted to lie, struggling to bring the front of his
pant’s back together.
“Really? And the fact you’ve asked for your allowance six months in advance to pay for
There was no real response to this.
“Fine, maybe I have pigged out a little bit. But hey, I can burn it off with ease!”
“You better, because you are NOT having another heart attack. And until you can fit into
your regular shorts again, you’re on salads and in your stretchy shorts.”
Turning to leave, Marge failed to see Bart’s frustrated face and Lisa’s smirk. This was not
going to be fun.
Sat in the sunshine of the playground, Bart and Milhouse used the shade of the tree to keep
from being burnt on the decent day. Normally, this would make any child happy but the
cooler child was far from happy.
“I tell you Milhouse, this diet is driving me mad!” The Simpsons declared, clutching his over
padded gut with one hand. It had only been a few day’s, but he felt in near constant hunger.
“Oh, it can’t be that bad!” His glasses wearing friend commented. He had long noticed that
Bart was certainly bigger than before, but had refrained from mentioning it. “I mean, at least
you haven’t joined a football team again!”
“Oh, it’s worse…”
Out of his brown lunch bag came a small bowl of salad with tiniest slithers of meat, followed
by a juice carton and bag of carrot sticks.
“Do I look like a rabbit?!”
“No, you look more like a pig.” Milhouse sighed in response, taking a big bite of his
sandwich. “Letsh fashe it Bart, yoursh fat.”
Now, this irked the boy. He was not fat. He was portly, stout, chubby, podgy but NOT fat!
And when his “best” friend had the audacity to make that claim, there was something wrong
with the world. Rage roaring through his body, he made his move by grabbing the other half
of the sandwich.
“Well, if that’s the case, I need this more than you!”
Shocked by the movement, Milhouse gulped his mouthful down as he dropped his food and
went to grab the food.
“Come on Bart! That’s mine!”
The boy’s hands continued to slap at one another until finally Bart crammed the mass of
bread and filling into his mouth. Unknown to him his best friend had got a firm grip on his
lunch. This meant the yellow cheeks bulged with the hands.
“Ewww! Let go BaaaaaARRRGH!”
A mighty gulp dragged the boy towards him as the arms were sucked down, filling out Bart’s
neck. Nose to nose to one another, Milhouse smiled nervously.
“Er, can you let go now? Please?”
Drool slowly flowing down the pair, Bart was confused by what was happening until finally he
figured out he was eating his best friend. But, already he was feeling fuller then he had in
Bart smiled back, though it was far from nervous. In fact, Milhouse recognised it and quickly
regretted everything he had ever done in his life.
“Oh no-”
Another gulp silenced him, Bart’s mouth stretching wide enough to engulf the entire head
and send down his neck with the shoulders. Hunger took over, making him gulp even more
and not even tasting the child. Quick thinking had him holding his victims flailing legs as he
worked on Milhouse's own pudgy body. Two more rapid gulps and Bart had devoured an
entire human child, clothes and all.
Patting his stomach, The Simpson was surprised that far from being big enough to hold
another boy, it was actually only big enough to store a soccer ball. Giving it a gentle poke, he
was not only firm but actually wriggled about. It appears that Milhouse was still alive and
kicking in there, but barely. Any wriggles quickly ceased, leaving just a boy with a very
bloated belly.
“Well, that wasn’t that bad.” He said, before out of nowhere.
Whilst it was hardly the loudest belch in the world, it was still noticeable. But worst of all, it
finally caused the taste buds to kick into gear. Now, realising what his best friend actually
tasted like, Bart wanted to barf.
“Oh God! It’s like castor oil mixed with chalk!” He gagged, trying to desperately wipe the
saliva off of his tongue. Any feeling of joy from being full was now gone, and it couldn’t get
any worse, surely?
“Whoa, what happened there?”
Looking over, spitting vile flem as he did so, Bart was treated to the sight of Nikki McKenna,
a former love who seemed to have a split personality issue. To be dealing with her right now
was hardly high on his list, but here she was…
“Did you just eat him?” She asked, shock actually showing in her voice.
Now, this was an awkward time for Bart. He was stuck on a stupid diet, he was dealing with
an awful taste in his mouth and his homework was late again.
Oh, and he had just eaten another person.
But right now, he really didn’t wanted to be dealing with this girl. They had fallen for one
another, and yet, she tattled on him, abused him and made him feel like a toy that she could
play with as and when she pleased. No doubt she was already planning on how to exploit his
cannibalistic exploits.
When push comes to shove, Bart was a very quick thinker.
“No! He fell in!” His voice was filled with enough shock and horror she was taken back by it.
“You’ve got to help me!”
The sense of urgency pulled her in better then he could with a lasso.
“What do I need to do?!” The tomboy asked desperately.
“See if you can reach him!”
Opening his mouth wide, Nikki peered inside. It was like staring down into a cave, with water
dripping and never ending darkness. Still she had a life to save so shoved her arm down.
“I think I can reach him…” She muttered.
It would be her last words before his hand grabbed the back of her head and pushed her in.
Combined with gulping and gravity, she had no chance. Her face appearing in his neck,
Nikki began to struggle and unlike Milhouse, there was actual muscle on her frame. Still, it
was far too late as Bart hoisted her torso up with his arms and slid her down into his gut. He
could hear her scream as she went head first into the first courses lifeless body, but he was
the only one. With a few more gulps, she too was gone.
Examining himself, Bart was surprised to see his stomach had doubled in size. Still, it was
far from as big as it really should have been. The immense weight that now occupied his
body pinned him to the ground.
This belch rattled the boy as it signaled Nikki’s demise. Still, the sweet taste of sugar, spice
and everything nice smothered the taste of Milhouse and made him crave candy. Luckily, he
was now massively stuffed so didn’t need anymore allowance money for the time being.
Leaning against the tree, hand’s on his stomach, Bart listened to the rumble of his belly as it
began to digest the pair.
The rest of the school day went without any further issues. By this, Bart ate nobody else.
Otherwise there were plenty of issues. First off, Bart’s massive stomach was the talk of the
class, especially as he struggled to not only walk with it but also sit at his desk. Three kids
on one seat was almost enough to break the chair, but it held, just. Then there was the fact
that Nikki was missing from the other 4th grade class. An announcement went out across the
tannoy, making everybody question where she was, except for one student.
Finally, halfway through the afternoon, somebody realised that Milhouse was also missing.
Nobody questioned that as it was assumed he had yet another medical condition. Naturally,
Bart barely took any notice of class. He was more interested in his own gut for the time
being. How had he devoured two whole kids? How did he not burst? Why wasn’t his
stomach any bigger?
Who was next?
That question hung around him as he left the classroom, as he sat on his own the bus and
even as dinner time rolled around. Marge was concerned about his large size, and that was
an understatement and a half. Luckily, she bought the idea of drinking lots and tied in with
not being hungry for dinner, perhaps the only truth that day, she left him alone in his room.
Laying on his bed, Bart gently rubbed his engorged middle. Two lives had gone into making
him full. Okay, really he needed only one, but Nikki had made a nice, if gut busting, dessert.
But well, his diet was unlikely to end, and he needed a food source.
“Thank God I have a new menu option.” He grinned, pulling on his green pajamas later on.
Sure, they didn’t fit at all but he didn't care.
“Good night you two.” He whispered under the bed sheets to the goo that was once two
children before falling asleep.
At breakfast, Bart ate like a normal child. This was comforting to Marge, especially as her
son’s bloated figure had shrunk. He was still rounder than before, but it was an
improvement. What she didn’t know was that firstly he had worked enough room into his
belly for more food, and it was no longer bloat. His rotund body was now fatter, his stretchy
shorts ensuring that he was still clothed. The fact was, Bart’s torso was the only thing
growing. He still had his pipe cleaner arms and legs. Still, neither matriarch nor cannibal was
going to question this.
What was going to be questioned was lunch.
“Salad, again?!” Bart cried on the bus.
“Well, you are still a bit tubby…” Lisa said. She was stuck next to the window because of
him, and he had more than his fair share of the seat. His yellow belly was more on show with
his shirt rolled up, wobbling on every bump in the road.
“Well, you know what? You have it.”
With that, brother gave sister his lunch.
“If mom won’t make me a decent lunch, I won’t eat what she gives me.”
“Then what will you do, starve?”
“I’ll think of something…”
Those words lingered as he waddled around the playground. He needed a meal, though not
as big as yesterdays. He also needed somewhere secluded so there would be no more
Nikki’s. The only other children in school likely to fall for ‘they fell in!’ were Janey and Ralph.
Hunger and a lack of food starting to wear him out, Bart was unaware of what was
happening until it had happened. One moment he was in the playground, now he was in an
alleyway with two pairs of hands dragging him along. When he came to a halt, belly swaying
slightly, his eyes adjusted to the dimmer surroundings. Either side of were two, very familiar
“Hey, it’s, you two…” Bart managed, scratching his head. “Er, do you even have names?”
The very similar looking boy’s glanced at one another then back to the overweight boy.
“That doesn’t matter fat boy.” Weasel One said, sharply prodding the exposed yellow belly.
“What does matter is Nelson wants his cut.” Weasel Two added, also sharply prodding.
“Ow! Quit it! Cut of what?”
The two stooge’s smirked at one another.
“Your lunch money.”
“It’s obvious you're eating more then normal.”
Bart now smirked, stretching his arms out so they dangled over his gullet.
“You know, it’s right. It’s just a shame there isn’t three of you.”
Confused, both bullies stammered for words until finally they managed to find some.
“You, want to be outnumbered three to one?”
“No. I would have had a bully sandwich.”
Without warning, Bart’s hands shot out and grabbed both 2nd Graders by the shoulders.
Pushing the pair together with all his might, he held them together as he loomed over them,
mouth extending wider and wider. Bravado abandoned the pair as drool cascaded over them
and the heads engulfed by the boy.
Storming outside of the alley, Nelson checked the watch he had stolen off of some geek a
few day’s earlier. His concept of time was shaky, but he knew that an amount of it had
passed. Afterall, the number of minutes were higher! And that meant that by now his
Weasels should have shaken down Bart for his cash, or giving him a beating to ensure he
provided some tomorrow.
Shocked by the massive belch, Muntz spun on the spot and ran down the alleyway. Once
his eyes adjusted, he was able to make out his big fat target, but yet no cronies. Still, a thugs
work is never done.
“Hey Simpson!”
As he called out, the victim obviously turned to the attention.
“Sheesh, what did you do, eat a pair of soccer balls?”
Nelson didn’t waste his energy poking the taut belly. He might need it to beat this massive
kid in a moment.
“Anyway, where’s my boys? They were meant to be talking to you.”
“No idea man, but I’m sure they’re nearby.”
The bully didn’t notice Bart gently patting his gut.
“In which case, they get your beating instead. I want all your lunch money.”
The Simpson quickly thought about this before obviously slapping his stomach.
“Do you really think I have any money on me man?”
“Good point. I should give you at least a gut thump for that.”
Bart actually became nervous at this. Nelson’s punches had a habit of making kids throw up.
At this very moment, spewing his guts would be somewhat bad for him.
“Instead, just say one your catchphrases, you know, something that sounds like it's from the
This genuinely threw Bart off guard.
“Like, what?”
“Oh I dunno. Don’t have a cow man? Just with more feeling.” Nelson explained before an
idea came. “Or, seeing as they could feed a family of four, how about eat my shorts!”
Now the bully was thrown off guard, seeing as his victim turned friend licked his lips.
“Good idea…”
Before any further questions could be asked, Bart pounced. Using his massive weight, he
was able to knock the larger boy down and pin him to the ground. With the wind knocked out
of him, Nelson was unable to do much as he struggled for breath as Bart part crushed him.
With his eye’s watering, he was just able to make out Bart’s face getting closer and
somehow getting, darker…
WIth a loud glomp, Bart began to swallow Nelson down. However, even stunned, out of
breath and squashed, the bully was more than capable of defending himself. As such, the
predator was forced to hold down the thick, delicious, muscular arms down and rely purely
on throat strength. Muntz finally found enough energy to roll the duo over, putting him on top
now. All this did was help Bart as he no longer had to fight his own weight as well as Nelson.
Powerful swallows dragged the bully in rapidly, the prey’s own chunky middle making his
neck bulge massively out of proportion as it fed into his belly. After one last powerful gulp,
there was only one child left in the alleyway.
Struggling all the way, Bart used the wall to help himself sit up. This allowed his gut to spill
out onto his lap and still keep him fairly pinned down. A brief examination showed that
naturally, he was a lot bigger after his massive lunches. Still, seeing as Nelson was such a
large lad, it looked more like there was basketball in there then a soccer ball. And worse, it
was moving around violently in there.
“Settle down!” The cannibal cried. “You’re just making it harder on yourself!”
He of course had no idea if this was correct or not. All he did know was that this internal
massage was both painful and enjoyable. Much like a normal massage.
Eventually though, there was only one outcome seeing as Nelson had forgotten his selection
of knives that day.
“Huh, that was anti-climatic of hi-​uuuuuUUUUUUUOOOOOOOOOOAAAAARRRRRP!​”
Having shaken the wall with that belch, Bart’s tiny leg’s struggled to get him on to his feet.
Once finally there, hands naturally resting on his massive gullet, the boy grinned.
“This is great! I can break my diet, I can feel full and best of all, I can use this power for
good!” He declared, his brain justifying the murder of five kids. “I can clean the school, hell,
the town of anybody ruining the lives of others! I’ll be the greatest superhero ever!”
Grinning, he went to turn out of the alley. However, considering his new size, his stomach
instantly got wedged.
“Okay, maybe Radioactive Man doesn’t get stuck in tight spaces.” The Simpson muttered,
forced to sidestep along the way. This meant both his gut and slowly fattening butt dragged
along the bricks. “Kannibal Kid will just stick to open spaces…”
Lacking a loud pop, Bart was able to get free of bricked confines and for a moment,
struggled to stand up right. Once his bending legs adapted to the lack of brick support, he
was able to start his awkward waddle back to the main school building. Some kid’s took
notice of him, such as the Mackleberry twins and his sister who were playing jumprope.
Others ignored him, because in the end, he was just another obese kid in America.
The rest of the day was difficult for Bart to get through. Sure enough, a stomach carrying
three kids, combined with the weight of two others and his own was more than a standard
issue school chair. Luckily, once the latest replacement teacher had helped the “poor
unfortunate boy” off of the ground, the two spare seats belonging to the class wet blanket
and bully were pulled up for him.
On the bus home, Bart positioned himself to hog an entire seat to himself. Sitting on his own,
it allowed him to use his artistic skills on some some spare paper and using his engorged gut
as a drawing surface. As the trio of bullies digested away, Bart’s daydream began to
manifest itself onto paper.
Kannibal Kid stood proudly, twin girls hugging his massive sides. Sure, the design was
basically Bartman but with KK written on his chest. And the twins were a certain pair of girls
who had a love hate relationship with him. And Kannibal Kid’s stomach was three times the
size of the girls in all directions. But in the end, it was his fantasy and possible webcomic. He
didn’t care what anybody said.
“KK? That’s a letter short of being something rude.”
Almost causing a 2nd heart attack, the obese boy jumped at the voice. Glancing round,
somehow now sat by the window, was none other then Jessica Lovejoy.
“J-jess?! How did you get there?!”
“Well, I can climb. So, what does the double K stand for?”
“Kid Konsumer.” The cannibal easily lied. He’d figured out the alternate background to his
fantasies pencil form, just in case. “His enemies are food monsters.”
This earned a smirk from the nasty reverend's daughter. Slowly Jessica leant over, quickly
looming over his gut.
“Really Bart, I think you forgot super strength.” She said, an almost sultry tone.
“Huh, what do you mean…” He trailed off as her thin fingers began to gently play and rub
against his stomach.
“I mean, I saw you get dragged into an alley by two bullies, a third one enter, and only you
leave. You beat them so good, they went running.”
Bart said nothing as she continued to fondle is oversized torso. Whether Jessica was
genuinely interested in his flabby self or not wasn’t known to him.
“So, if you can do that, we can run this school. Your strength and my brain. Who would stop
us from doing whatever we want?”
Now, no amount of caressing and promising of burgers, shakes and bullies to devour could
change his mind. Bart had already decided to use his powers of devouring for the good of
the land! And there was no way that he could be tempted away from the righteous path!
Plus, she was kind of a witness.
“Well, that is a good idea Jess. But I have a better one, if you want to know?”
“Sure! We can adapt, if you let me know what it is.”
As if on cue, the bus entered a tunnel. With darkness hitting the occupants, Kannibal Kid
near enough hit Lovejoy’s head at the back and knocking her hairbow off. Forcing her in
from behind, his mouth rapidly engulfed the girls cranium and he gulped rapidly. As she was
his sixth victim, he more than experienced in gulping down a girl smaller then him. It was a
quick, one sided battle with Bart the clear winner. As the light filtered back into the moving
vehicle, his stomach now pressing against the front seat, he picked up the fallen bow and
tossed it into his mouth before any students noticed.
Without missing a queue, cannibal Bart went back to working on Kannibal Kid, making little
details such as ‘no villain is safe!’ and ‘an equal opportunities devourer!’ It was best to base
it on the source material.
There was a loud crunch.
“Is that bad?” Bart asked.
He was standing in the bathroom in his pj’s, though this was barely the case. Firstly, the
green pants and shirt didn’t cover an inch of his midsection. This meant that Marge had a
very good view of his oversized butt cheeks. Secondly, she was forced to look at these as
there wasn’t much room in there for both Bart and herself. Instead, she spun him round,
getting a good look at his gut instead which swayed like a water balloon filled with jello.
“Bad? Bart, you just broke the scales! Your weight is out of control!”
Now, before that moment Springfield premiere people eater would have been the first and
probably only one to admit that six kids in 48 hours was too much. But now that tone of
discussion had come up yet again. And Bart would be the size of a house before he
admitted he was too fat.
“Well mom, maybe the diet is doing the opposite effect. I mean, I wasn’t ‘out of control’
BEFORE you tried to make me eat Lisa’s food.”
“Well you don’t have to worry there. You’re going on less food then Maggie gets!” The
matriarch declared, forgetting that Maggie was having to eat all the food Bart wasn’t eating
as it was. She also failed to notice the little determined smirk on his face.
After a light breakfast of a small bowl of porridge oats as his youngest sister ate his stack of
pancakes, the the elder Simpson children were once again on the bus. Lisa was not happy
with this, considering how much seat he now took up. Even against the side, his wide sides
were touch her’s with ease.
“You know Bart…”
“Lisa, if you mention any words regarding my size, I might roll onto you at the next bump.”
“Quick Lisa!” A voice hissed.
“Over here!” Another, similar voice added.
Before the oversized boy could realise, two identical right hands took his sister away and
into the seat in front of him. Shifting into the centre of the seat, Bart leaned forward.
“Hey girls, how’s it going?” He said sweet as possible.
“It was okay, until yesterday. Everybody associated with you is going missing!” Sherri said,
making room for Lisa between the twins. Even with these two she had more room then with
“What’s that meant to mean?”
“Well, think about it Bart.” Terri explained. “Two of your ex girlfriends are missing as well as
three bullies who picked on you. Which is of course good but also bad.”
“And also that mutant that hung out with you.” Sherri interjected. “What was his name?”
“Milhouse…” Lisa offered helpfully.
“Thank you Lisa.” Terri said with a smile. “Lets face it Simpson, you're bad news.”
“What if I could promise you no more bullies or bad kids on the playground ever again?” Bart
offered. “Would you hang around me again then?”
“If you can figure that our Bart, we’ll hang out with you.” Was the stereo response.
It was music to his ears and food for his belly.
Panting as he waddled, Kannibal Kid looked for his next item of justice on his menu. Sensing
their numbers were dwindling, the regular trio had banded together, and Bart was unlikely to
gobble three bullies up in one go. But, with the increased thuggery workloads, the bullies
had called up a reserve in lunch money harvesting.
When he finally spied her, Francine Rhenquist was currently ensuring Janey would maintain
her girlish figure, by holding her upside down and shaking her for cash, candy, cellphones
and pog’s with the picture of Alf. Once the dumb child was relieved of all her worldly goods,
she ran away from the giant thug before any harsh beating could be given.
“Hmm, I smell nerd…” The girl rumbled.
Turning, she was greeted to the sight of the obese boy, who seemed to be looking around
for something.
“Wait, you’re not a nerd. You're just smell like one.” Francine pointed out.
“Must be my sister.” Bart said. “We sat next to one another on the bus.”
“More like on her! Look at you, you look like you ate Free Willy!”
Now this was of course slightly hypocritical of the bully to say. She was hardly a glamour
model herself and was freakishly tall for her age. However, Bart didn’t really care about that
logic and instead focused on the whole, ‘I’m-not-fat-and-to-prove-it-I’m-gonna-eat-people!’
It was a work in progress, but one that was working well so far.
“Now get out of here before I make you try an run!” Francine went on before he barreled into
Having learnt from his fight with Nelson, Bart knew that the best way to win was to keep her
winded and surprised. Pinning her to the ground with his massive body, complete with an
audible crunch as he broke something in her body, he got to work with cleaning up the world.
With the immense pain searing through her body, Francine was in no position to put up a
fight. In reality all she wanted to do was curl up into a ball and cry. As such, she failed to
take any note of her feet being crammed into a damp enclosed space. Bart was hardly a fan
of eating things like shoes, but he couldn’t leave a shred of evidence. Adjusting himself as
he slurped her up, more bones cracked and incapacitated the giant girl as she became part
of the behemoth boy. Even as he rolled off of her to gulp her down, neck expanding to wider
then his shoulders, she failed to move. All Francine wanted was it all to end.
And sure enough it, did.
Admiring his blimped belly, Bart felt it. There was no struggling from inside.
“Hey, aren’t you gonna fight? Nelson and the other’s did!”
There was nothing.
“Come on, little miss thug! I want you fight before you expire! Sheesh, bullies. You can’t rely
on them at all. Clock’s ticking awoorr​rrRRRUUUUAOOORP!​ Ah, too late.”
Laying on his side, Bart gazed down at the children in the distance as his belly groaned with
its new massive meal. Sure, the only reason why she made an impression in it was because
she was huge too, but still! What he got to see were all the kids playing, free of bullies.
“You’re welcome, morsels. I mean, mortals.”
“Bart, we need to talk!”
Sighing, the big brother really didn’t want to hear those words. His tiny legs were tired from
hauling his massive oval body around, Francine was taking an ice age to digest, Marge had
given him an earful when they got home, using the f word AGAIN and now, he was getting
no ice cream!
“What is it Lise…”
“I was thinking about what the twins said.”
“What, they’d hang out with me again?”
“No, the missing kids and how they link in with you.”
Bart didn’t stop as he entered his bedroom.
“Big whoop, I knew some of them.”
“All of them Bart. And they’re all gone. And guess who is missing now?”
“Jebediah Springfield's head?”
“No, Francine. Who bullied kids.”
Bart shrugged his shoulders, making his midsection wobble. He was struggling to reach his
short’s to change for bed, and when your body is wider than your arms reach…
“So, she was your bully, not mine.”
“But, she went missing on the same day you declared to make the playground bully free.
And let's face it Bart, that’s not water retention.”
With a speed that should have been impossible for a boy his size, Kannibal Kid quickly
moved up to his sister, forcing her further back into a corner in his room.
“So what are you saying Lisa? That somehow I am eating kids? You realise how dumb that
sounds, right?”
“Well, it’s improbable but not impossi-EEK!”
A belly bump pushed her right up against the walls.
“You do realise that you have just confronted somebody you think is a cannibal, right? And
that, if true, I could eat you and silence you forever. Only a cruel, cold hearted monster
would do that.
“True…” Lisa’s response was a soft as a whisper. When your massive brother pins you
down, there’s not a lot of courage left.
“So, let's say I forget that we had this insane little conversation.” Bart said with a genuine
smile and stepping back. “I assure you Lisa, I would never do anything to harm you.”
She was now certain he was the culprit, but Lisa Simpson also knew that this was pure
honesty from the bad boy.
“However, one favour Lise. I want food from you.”
“Your desserts silly!” Big brother smiled, pulling her in for a hug into his massive body. “I
really miss the cakes and ice cream. So if you could just save those for me please?”
“S-sure…” the younger Simpson replied relieved. There seemed to be something comforting
in his hug, as if he really meant it.
Kannibal Kid had one ally on his side. Now he just needed to assure two certain girls and life
would be perfect.
The latest page of Kannibal Kid summed up the next few day’s perfectly. With a newspaper
front page taking up most of the home made comic, it proudly declared one simple thing:
This was complete with a ‘photo’ of the oversized child hero on his back, being fed very
obvious imitation criminals by the twin supporters. This was still based a certain amount on
the events in his real life, but Bart was doing this on his own.
The bully element was wiped out by one boy. It helped he had a massive weight advantage
of course, but still, it was a feat that few would ever expect to happen.
The first to go was Dolph.
The smallest of the three remaining bullies was worn out. With four bullies now missing from
the school, he was having to try and make up for their workload. Sadly, it just wasn’t
happening. Children were spending money in the cafeteria, which was bad for the bullies
finances and the children's waistline. Nobody was noticing this second point thanks to Bart’s
growing weight. It’s hard to look fat when one child looks more and more like a car each day.
Dolph Starbeam also failed to notice the Simpson as he collapsed onto a bench to get his
breath back. The ability avoid a child who takes almost an entire seat on the bus on his own
was a testament to how tired the thug really was. However, it’s not much of an ability when it
means you are set upon a man eating child. It would turn out to be one of Bart’s most
creative catches, starting from behind the bench and managing to flip himself onto the seat
as he devoured the older child.
It was perfectly timed for the passing of the twins.
“Hey girls!” He grinned at the duo.
“Is it safe in the playground yet?” Sherri asked, trying to adjust her ‘shrinking clothes.’
“It’s getting there!”
“Then don’t talk to us yet!” Was Terri’s response, who simply allowed her pale tummy to be
Sighing in slight frustration, Bart slipped off of the bench and waddled off for dessert. On his
way, he passed another Fifth Grader.
“Good Lord!” Jenny cried, getting a good look at his figure.
“Wow, you’re talking to me Jenny!”
“Only because your sin’s show no bounds!” The Christian girl chastised. Internally, the boy
rolled his eyes’
‘Sheesh, I can’t believe there really is a female version of Rod and Todd Flanders.’ He
thought to himself. ‘Mmmmm, Flander’s…’
As Bart began to plot the next comic line, Kannibal Kid versus The Creationists, he tuned
back in to hear what his ex-girlfriend was berating him with.
“You have become the literal embodiment of the sin of gluttony!” The girl went on, unaware
of how far his sins really went. “You must open your heart up the Christ, lest you suffer an
awful fate!”
Now he realised what she meant!
“Well, maybe you can help me?” Bart said sweetly, holding his hands out for her to take.
Sensing a possible soul to save, Jenny quickly took them.
“I dunno about letting Christ into my heart.” He went on, tightening his grip. “But how about
open my stomach up to a Christian!”
Before she could react, she was dragged into his gaping maw. Three solid swallows reduced
the pretty girl to another belly bulge.
“​BOARRP!​ This isn’t such a bad fate! Nice and full! Now, where’s Lisa? I really want that
dessert now…”
Now, there had been a moment of morality. Much later on, once he was at home of course.
The fact was, Milhouse, Nikki and Jenny hadn’t exactly deserved their fates. They were
sadly collateral damage in him discovering his power and well, trying to imply that Bart’s
figure was no longer chubby.
This feeling of awfulness was thrown out at dinner time, watching Homer, Maggie and now
LISA eating what should have been his dinner! Yet another comment from Marge about his
weight ended that feeling. Sure, he needed a pair of dining room chairs to sit at the table
now, and the floor was starting to bend under his weight, but that just meant he was a
growing boy and that the house was poorly made! Set in his task, Bart knew who was next to
taste justice.
The next meal took place outside of the school grounds. This was for a good reason seeing
as it was the weekend. What had tipped Bart off was good old Ned Flanders, who hadn’t
spouted on about being the sin of fat but instead just wanted the family to know there was a
Christian bake sale in the park this weekend. Now Bart didn’t reveal this to his family at all
for two reasons.
The first, he was there from the moment the sale began. Having devoured many children, he
had helped himself to any loot they left behind, such as money. Seeing as this was ill-gotten
gains, Bart decided it was best donated to the town's best source of justice; his belly. As
such, God botherers were torn between disgust, lecturing and taking as much charity cash
as possible from the massive child. Greed beat the other two, so Bart was allowed to be as
greedy as he wanted once he showed off the green notes and coinage.
Eating enough for 10 kids, which was handy seeing as he weighed as much as that, Bart
had kept his distance from one area. He was still being subtle and didn’t want to give the
game away. And as this was cakes and cookies, there was no need to quickly gulp anything
down so he enjoyed the now rare treats in the shade of a tree, his weight managing to slowly
uproot it from the ground.
His plan was almost ruined by an arrival.
“Well, somebody has been helping charity.”
Turning round, Bart was treated to the sight of another old flame. He was starting to get
shocked by this, seeing as he barely saw these girls before this week and now they were
sprouting out of the ground!
“Well, I have to do my bit Greta. It’s the duty of all responsible citizens to help out good
causes.” Bart explained, slipping into the old, campy Radioactive Man TV series of decades
Miss Wolfcastle could only smile at this response.
“Well, you certainly are doing your bit, aren’t you?” She said, pulling out her purse. “Tell you
what, I’ll donate to your great endeavour, but on one condition.”
Seemingly inhaling an entire cake, which made the rich girl shudder, Bart raised an eyebrow
as he licked his fingers.
“What’s that then?”
“My father needs a convincing monster to fight in his next film. And well, looking at you, I
thought the Blob might be appropriate.” Greta explained, patting his vast, wobbling torso.
“We can feed you of course and there’s no-URK!”
She was cut off by his hand going round her neck and pulling her in.
“The Blob was a bad guy who ate people with no real reason, a monster pure and simple. I
am not a monster! I just happen to eat people for the right reasons, like calling me fat!”
Confused, Greta only understood what he meant as his mouth engulfed her.
Two massive gulps. That’s all it took to end a single life. And she hardly made an impression
on his massive frame.
“One hundred and eighty, one hundred and ninety, two hundred…” Bart muttered, going
through the purse. “Your dad really allows you to go round with over $200 in cash?
There was a weak muffled response from deep inside him.
“What was that? I didn’t quite hea​OARP!​ Crud. I never get a decent conversation with them.
I mean, just because you’re in my belly doesn’t mean you have to be rude!”
Frustrated by a lack of witty dialogue inspiration, Bart took the cash and coin and swallowed
the purse and cards.
Now, considering he was here on an official mission of justice, he should have been possible
concerned that he would struggle with the second point of him not telling anybody having
had a minor snack. But the fact was, Bart was struggling to feel full now, even after eating an
entire kid. Sure, he felt like he might have burst the first day, but now, even all the cakes and
Greta he felt like he could eat it all over again.
This feeling intensified as the stall’s began to close down. There was only so much cake
people would buy, even for charity. Still, despite desperate last sales Bart refused to budge
from his spot until he was certain the coast would be clear. Rising to his feet, he made his
way down to one of the final stands on the east side. Despite the short walk, by the time he
was there Bart looked like he’d run a marathon. His wheezing quickly alerted the only worker
“Whoa, Bart?” Jimbo Jones said, shock washing over his face.
This meal would be difficult to deal with for several reasons. Firstly, despite his lean stature,
this bully held a lot of hidden muscle. He was able to take advantage of his slender features
to lay a smack down on poor kids with ease. The other issue was his height, being the
second tallest of the bullies. Though, this didn’t count for much anymore next to Bart. The
swelling yellow blob of a torso could only get so wide, so was now forcing him to get taller.
This helped reinforce his opinion that he was getting taller, not fatter.
“Are you okay man? You look awful?” Jones went on at the visibly exhausted superhero. He
was covered in sweat which really didn’t help anybodies opinion of his health.
“I’m, fine…” Bart gasped, leaning against the table for air. To help, the off-duty bully passed
a bottle of water which was eagerly gulped down.
“Thank’s. Hey, how much are those?”
Bart was indicating to a group of large triple chocolate cakes, all four on fancy stands.
“Those? Five bucks for each. Those for your fam-”
“SOLD!” Bart slammed a crisp $20 bill on the table and picked two up in his hands and
chowed down like they were muffins.
“Hey! Calm down man! Those are meant for like, five or six adults!”
The Simpson ignored the warnings as polished them off with ease. Licking icing off of his
fingers, he glanced round to see if anybody was watching.
“Hey, wanna see a magic trick?” The rotund boy asked.
Without waiting for an answer, he picked up the third cake and opened his mouth wide.
Jimbo watched in awe as the entire treat disappeared behind Bart’s teeth and tongue and
made his cheeks bulge. In one gulp, it was gone.
“Oh wow!” Jimbo grinned, clapping slightly. “Do it again! Nobody's ever done that before!”
Attempting to bow and failing due many many children, Bart straightened up and grabbed
the final cake. He gently tossed it in the air and, mouth wide open, caught it on its descent.
“You should show that trick off at school!”
“Maybe I already have? You just haven’t noticed.”
Beckoning Bart behind the stand, the bully lead him into towards his families parked car.
“We’ve got a massive wedding cake that didn’t sell. I want to see you gulp that down whole!”
“Nah, too easy.”
The confident answer caused Jimbo Jones to stop in his tracks. Spinning round looked
shocked at the blob.
“What the hell is a challenge then?!”
A massive blow to the sixth grader’s torso sent him flying backwards, slamming into the car.
Bart calmed his stomach turned weapon down and advanced on the dazed child.
“Simple Jimbo, criminals.”
All the bully heard was a ringing noise. He was also slightly aware of his feet being picked up
and something tight and wet forming around them. As the star’s cleared from his eye’s, he
saw his attacked turned predator up to his pelvis, mouth swallowing him whole.
“Oh crap!”
Panicked, Jimbo desperately clawed for something. However, Bart’s powerful and well
trained throat muscled easily beat a cheap car door handle and mound of dirt.
Spitting out the dirt, Bart looked at his engorged gut.
“Ewww, thanks for that, real nice of you…”
A muffled stream of swear words cried out at him, though it was useless.
“Hey. language! There are other children in there! Kinda!”
Another barrage of rude words steadily go more and more silent.
“Hey! We got to ta​OOOARRRRRP!​ That never normally happens!”
Grinning to himself, Bart opened the broken trunk and pulled out the wedding cake. It was as
tall as he was and just as wide at the base.
“For the trip home.” He said, taking a bite as he left the park.
Turning the comic page, Kannibal Kid eating a cake as big as him with his twin admirers,
another case had been closed for good. And it was handy he devoured all those cakes
because having struggled to get through the front door, Marge was far from pleased with
him. This of course lead to yet another conversation that went in one ear and out the other.
There was no point in stopping now, even as as got rounder and taller. He was almost done
and then, well, the world would see.
Kearney was not a happy thug. Not in the slightest.
All of the crew were missing, somehow. Gone without traces in broad daylight. This meant
that now it was down to him to police the school yard, and get the lunch money the little
dweebs had. He was failing badly, as already the actual food served was having an effect on
the children. Previously, with just Nelson out of the picture, it had taken weeks for the school
to fatten up. Now, with just one bully left, in less than a week the school was once more at its
previous obesity levels. The kids were trashing the play area’s, getting stuck in desks and
cramming up the hallways. It seemed so bad, the ground itself seemed to be cracking under
their feet.
The oldest student in school had always planned to ensure his son got a taste for the family
business, he just wished it wasn’t at such a young age. Still, a new generation of bully was
needed before the school pops or collapses under the weight of the students.
“Now remember son, it would be best for you to go for this area…”
The elder Zzyzwicz indicated on the dummy of a dummy the family jewels.
“One good solid hit there will have them on the ground in agony. Then you can punch down
on them!”
“That doesn’t always work you know.”
Father and son turned to the voice. Waddling into the shade behind Willie's shack, Bart
nearly loomed over the older boy. They were now roughly the same height thanks to all the
cakes, food and of course, children.
Normally Kearney Sr would use Bart as a fantastic example on how to humiliate the
chronically obese. However, considering the school’s current weight issues, this would be
useless. The other fact was he needed as much help as possible, and Bart had plenty
experience in bullying and being bad. Hell, he reckoned those pipe cleaner arms and legs
must have might muscles in there to support his massive weight.
“Simpson! I never thought I’d be glad to see that giant fat belly of yours! I need your help!”
Bart’s eyebrow twitched. Still, he remained calm.
“I need somebody to help get the school back into line! I can’t handle it alone and frankly,
we’re massively behind on targets! This will be our worst bullying quarter since Milhouse’s
dad was in charge as a kid!”
Stepping up and meeting eye to eye, Bart’s hands rested on his gullet.
“I dunno Kearney, maybe the school needs a rest…”
“Look Bart, I wouldn’t ask you if I wasn’t desperate. Tell you what, you can keep half of what
you harvest, that’ll keep your gut filled and hell, maybe some clothes that fit you!”
“Now why would I do that? I mean, do you know how much effort it’s taken me to get rid of
all of you?”
Kearney went pale. In an instant, he understood where his friends were, why Bart was so
obese and why Cream of Lard was the maddest idea in the world for a soup. When a brain
works fast, it doesn’t care what it figures out.
Also moving fast was his fist. Knowing he had to avenge his ingested friends and tell the
police for a change, the bully knew he had to get the first shot in. Smash his face in, pummel
him a bit and then get the cops. If they reward by the pound, Kearney will never have to bully
It all went wrong so fast though. Bart didn’t even flinch as the mighty fist went for his face.
Instead, he merely opened his mouth and caught it. A quick gulp secured his grip and
dragged the youthful looking adult onto his frame. Visibly shaking, the caught villain quickly
rummaged through his pockets with his free hand and pulled on something..
“You wouldn’t eat a guy with glasses?”
Slowly Bart nodded his head with a drool covered grin before swallowing again, bringing his
meal’s armpit to his mouth.
“It was worth a try…” Were Kearney’s last words before Bart’s mouth stretched impossibly
wide and took him in.
Standing rock still, the Kannibal Kid devoured the last bully in the school without any
difficulty in the slightest. Belly ballooning with the massive occupant, it wriggled and sloshed
about as he tried to resist at last.
“Ooohhhh, that's good. Up a bit, up a bit…” The monster mumbled as the useless punch and
kicks massaged his cavernous interior. “Haven’t had a good run like this since Nelson,
Adopting a heroic pose, for a child so massive, Bart grinned to himself. He’d done it! No
more bullies! All the biggest, baddest kids were gone!
The moment was sadly ruined by a weak punch to his stomach.
Leaning over, he caught sight of Kearney’s son, desperately punching and kicking the vast
cemetery that Bart carried with him at all times.
“Let my dad go you monster!”
Sighing, Bart had forgot about the mini-me bully. Shrugging, he made up his mind all too
“Every hero is allowed one or two little sins…” He said, looming over the child.
Stomach swaying heavily from the father and son meal, Springfields number one “hero”
made his way back to the rest of the school. With the shack being so far out from the main
building though, it backed onto other grounds. It was how Burns was able to siphon the oil
from the school with the barest of legality. It also meant that students and parents could
come and go as they pleased.
Right now, Luann Van Houten was there, looking like a wreck. It took a moment for Bart to
realise why this was, considering his first decent meal felt like several lifetimes ago now.
Whilst she was never going to be the perfect mother, it was obvious that her missing son,
combined with all the other missing children, had hurt her hard. Even worse, she’d spotted
him, though at his rate of growth he would spotted from orbit by the month's end.
“Shimpson!” The mother slurred as she stormed over. Always one for a drink, even the
missing Milhouse might drive some over the edge.
“Hey there Mrs Van Houten. How are you doing?” Bart’s question was sheepish. Sure, he’d
long forgotten about what happened and frankly the poor sucker didn’t even get a comic
mention. He may have to correct that shortly.
“Oh brilliant! My shon is misshing, meanwhile your shtill here!”
The woman almost tumbled as she made her way over. On closer inspection it was obvious
she hadn’t slept or even washed for a few days.
“I mean, you alwaysh get the breaksh, don’t you? Anything goesh wrong, it happensh to my
boy, and not you. Shure, you’re too big to kidnap, but letsh fashe it, they could have at leasht
Even the guilt of a grief stricken mother trumped Bart internal hatred at being called or
referenced as fat.
“Well, I’m sure he’s still around, somewhere!”
Although this was meant to be a kinder thing to say, the giant boy couldn’t help his hands
from patting his round body. Despite her inebriated state, Luanne was able to pick this up.
“Oh, ish he now?” She snapped, shocking Bart. “In the treesh? In the grasshhhh? Hell, how
about in there?!”
With that, she slapped the bulge that was his latest meals. Before he could react, she was
leaning over his massive body and yanking his mouth open.
“Milhoush?! Are you there shweetie?!” She called in, clambering up the hundreds of pounds
that was Bart are putting her head in his wide open mouth. “Let me know know if you can
hear me!”
At that moment, whilst he was still stunned, Kannibal Kid’s stomach was still very much
active and made a loud groan as it digested the bullies from within. To a dunk desperate
mother, this was a sign! A sign on chew your food before eating, a sign of not to eat several
hundred pounds of meat and, the best sign, a sign not to get too close to a predator. But to
her, it was what she needed.
“MILHOUSH!” She slurred, shoving her head further in.
Normally Bart’s throat would have reacted, but instead there was no need. Luanne was so
determined to get to her son she was pushing her way down with a greater strength then he
could ever manage. Instead, all he could do was stabilize the woman as she clambered
down into the bottomless pit of Bart Simpson’s belly.
With a gentle swallow, she was gone beyond the much larger gut he now contained. In
complete darkness, the alcohol and lack of rest finally kicked in and the distraught mother
finally went to sleep, snoring so loud Bart could hear it clearly.
“Wow, not sure is best or worst meal ever.” He said to his slumbering meal. “The guilt trip
was horrible of course, but I do wish each mortal-morsel-I MEAN BAD GUY would just dive
right in.”
Naturally there was no response as the snoring got weaker.
“I hope you sleep well Miss Van Houten, I really do​ooOOOOAAAAARRRRRRRRRP!​ Oh
God! Not again!”
Gagging on the taste, Bart breathed as deeply as he could. The taste was far from as bad as
the son but the mother was still close enough to remind him of the taste, even under the
bar’s worth of booze.
Moving as quickly as he could, stomach creaking and groaning from two adults and a child,
Kannibal Kid made a beeline for anything could get the taste out of his mouth.
“Hey Bart!”
Just about stopping, blocking his way was yet another old flame, which really was creeping
him out now.
“Melody? Look, can we talk in a minute?”
Miss Juniper seemed to take this comment in, but failed to react on it. Instead she continued
to block his path.
“Well, I wanted to say I forgive you!” She grinned, slightly manically. “I know you didn’t mean
it when you said I was like a sister. I love you, no matter how big you are!”
Stifling a possible retch, Bart finally reached a conclusion on what to do.
“That’s cool, because I don’t see you as a sister either.”
“You don’t?”
“Nope, because I wouldn’t do this to her!”
In one movement he grabbed the girl and stuffed into his mouth. Cheeks bulging with an
entire, struggling girl, Bart allowed her sweet taste to fill his gob. Just as she got a hand out
of his lips, he made one giant swallow.
“Thanks Mel! ​OARP!​ You were really sweet. Like, bag of sugar sweet…”
Finding her glasses on his belly, he pointlessly picked his teeth with them as he waddled
back to school, adding them to his diet once within shot of the other children. Not a bad
catch for one day in the end. Sure, in theory three of the meals were technically not meant to
be in his stomach but hey, Radioactive Man breaks a few buildings! This is small scale stuff!
Yup, Kannibal Kid had won the day. Drawing the page, Bart’s cartoon alter ego was as big
as a house, complete with the twins sat on his vast body, pecking his cheeks. The baddies
were vanquished, for now. But who knew what others would come after him, his friends and
even his family. All he knew was, he wouldn’t allow anything to happen to them!
“I can not believe you!”
Marge was as red as Bart’s lucky baseball cap. She was glaring at him, eye to eye. The fact
that they were the same height really helped this matter, Bart now being as tall as he was
wide. Beyond his tiny legs and head, it was all belly and butt though, stretching out in all
“Despite everything, all you’ve done is got fatter and fatter!” The matriarch went on,
slamming her hands on his massive belly. This was slightly frustrating to him as it would take
a while for it to stop sloshing about now.
“Well, I still think it's your diet mom. I mean, I’m not the only one getting chubbier.”
This was of course true, in so many words. Both Lisa and Maggie had gotten somewhat
larger over the course of Bart’s crusade/diet. This was because all of Bart’s excess food had
to go somewhere, and Homer was on warning from the plant due to breaking million dollar
equipment so couldn’t help that much, and the fact that even Lisa had to hand over her lunch
money now and then. As such the elder sister fitted right in with the rest of her school whilst
the baby, like her brother, was as wide as she was tall.
“CHUBBY?! That may be the case Bart, but unlike you, their ‘chubbiness’ doesn’t break
furniture, walls, the floors and the rear axle of car’s!”
Lisa and Maggie both looked at one another nervously. Really, Marge was glossing over the
fact that Maggie couldn’t fit in her high chair nor could it support her anymore. Plus, a fight
between mother and son was very rare.
“But you know what? Suit yourself Bart! Eat! Eat to your broken hearts delight! I hope you
get as big as a moon! But all you're doing is letting your gluttony take over you. When did
you even last feel full? Your hunger is going to devour you eventually!”
Her words were stinging in his ears, Bart slowly waddled around the playground. It was so
hard, he barely noticed his own drooling at the sight of all the school children being so zaftig
and round. Normally, being accused of being fat was enough to send his hunger roaring, but
what was the point? She was right, he hadn’t felt full in ages. Not even two adults and two
children really slowed him down. Plus, all the bullies were long gone. He was a six foot tall,
six foot wide starving three quarter tonne ten year old with nothing to eat until he could find a
bank robber or mugger or politicien.
Spotting some kids by the tether ball though, he grinned and wiped the drool from his face.
He could ignore his hunger by playing with his friends at least. They were in a new, separate
part of the school yard. With the weight increases amongst the the children, new play sets
were urgently needed to handle the bulks. Luckily, Springfield had a hotline for this sort of
equipment and facilities for fatty kids had been rapidly installed.
Really, a tether ball set needed no weight adjustments. Afterall, it was a ball on a string
attached to a pole in the ground. However, it was standard across schools so had been
placed there. Currently grabbing some fresh air from five whole minutes of exercise,
Richard, Lewis, Martin and Wendell looked over as Bart arrived.
“Hey guys, how’s it going?” He happily said, looming over and around the quartet.
“Er, yeah, fine Bart…” Lewis muttered, looking awkward.
“Hey, what’s wrong? Is somebody picking on you?” The response was almost too
“Not really. It’s just, well…”
“We’re trying to drop these unsightly pounds.” Martin Prince blundered in. “And frankly, there
seem’s to be correlating effect of being near you.”
“What he means is, you make kids fat.” Wendell translated.
“What do you mean?! How I can be near the entire school?!”
The four boys looked at one another, then back to Bart.
“Well, you’re pretty darn fat.” The intelligent one went on. “Your big yellow belly is like the
sun, and we’re the planets that orbit you!”
“Yeah. And when the bullies come back, they’re gonna go straight for you and beat anybody
up near you! All you care about is food now!” Richard explained.
With a slight smirk, all four pointed at him.
“Fatty fat fat fat! Fatty fat fat fat!”
Bart’s vision went red. His anger roared into action, reaching levels that would cause his
father to inflict thousands of dollars of property damage. As it did so, so did his hunger,
stomach literally roaring as if it contained the most aggravated Tiger in the universe. With a
combination of foam and drool at the mouth, Kannibal Kid stomped forward, leaving
footprints and crack marks.
“After all I have done for you…” He hissed. “Developing new powers, getting rid of the bullies
and even cootie monsters, THIS is how you repay me?!”
“I beg your pardon?!” Prince squeaked at the advancing monstrosity of a child.
“Well, you’re wrong! I don’t just think about food and eating! I think about you, and all the
other kids!”
In one epic movement, Bart scooped up the cringing boys and held all four tightly on his
massive chest.
“So, if you don’t like it, fine! You can join them all in my chubby belly!”
To their shock and horror, Bart’s mouth widened and engulfed all four lad’s head in one.
Mighty gulps dragged them on, his cheeks bulging to a size not humanly possible without
bursting or surgery as they began down his neck. All four friends faces were obvious in
minute detail as they slid down the neck. As their massive bodies followed, Bart’s neck
swelled to a point where it frankly should have crushed his upper body. Instead, his body
desired the living flesh and gulped them down. In but a few large gulps, four obese boys had
become part of one blobby boy, his stomach bloating slightly from their size.
“See! A force for good!
RRRRRRRRRRP! ​But I need more…”
Coming over to see what on Earth had made such a massive noise, the latest Fourth grade
teacher found the massive child salivating like a alien monster.
“Mr Simpson! What is going on heeeeeaarGGGHH!”
With no more adult supervision, Bart went on his rampage. First was the new slide, a flume
design so wide that any portly child who wasn’t Bart Simpson could easily go down. The
queue for it contained almost a half dozen kids, waiting up the steps for a nervous child to let
go. Thanks to the spiral design, not one child could see the giant boy lay down at the exit
and stretch his mouth over the hole at the bottom. Finally, the nervous girl let go with
assurances it would be fine.
And it was, until she quickly realised that the flume was neither that long, nor was it in a
water park.
Next up were the seesaw’s though only one seemed to be in use. On one end the much
rounder Ralph giggled wildly as he went up and down with the latest poor child to assigned
to be his friend for the day. His laughter stopped when he hit the ground with a thud. Looking
over, his new friend was gone and replaced by an older one.
“Oh hey Bart! Have you come to teeter-totter with me?”
“Oh yes, Ralph…” The response was half gargled by drool and smacking lips.
This didn’t phase the dim boy, nor did the sight of Bart’s pipe-clean legs struggling to fit on
his side. Giving up, Bart simply slammed his gargantuan gut down, launching Ralph into the
air. Going as high as three stories, Wiggum’s pride and joy screamed in joy, even as he
came down. Only at the last moment did he realise that Bart was ready to catch him with a
wide, open mouth…
“Ewww, Ralph, you need to cut back on the paste. That stuff will be the death of you!”
Bart was far from done. As a trio of children on the swings went back and forth, he
sidestepped into their paths, right into his waiting arms and maw. The first swing went back
empty, the second seat didn’t return at all, just the sliced strings. The third swings top bar
was snapped off and added to the growing boy. Under the monkey bar’s the hero helpfully
caught children who slipped off, In reality his vast, wobbling gullet was knocking them off as
it bashed the frame, but it was the thought that counted. When it came to the climbing frame,
the immense boy simply plucked children off at the higher levels like he was picking apples
from a tree. Those that hid in the centre to afaid his short reach didn’t count on his stomach
simply bashing the metal away.
As the devastation began to slow down, the rampaging cannibal felt somebody tapping his
oversized rear. Turning, he was able to see Janey looking up at him.
“Hey Bart? What happened to all the other kids?” She asked innocently, as if somehow
she’d missed his devastation. Just about bending over, he pointed to his open mouth.
“They fell in, see?”
The gullible child peered in, clambering over his massive fat body to get a good look.
“Oh yeah! I can see them all in there! How did that happ-”
A flick of his finger sent her flying, though it still took a moment for her to realise what had
In the end, nothing was left living beyond Bart Simpson, his belly jutting forth a further three
feet from his gorge. His entire body was groaning with the strain of so many children
digesting within, every step now shaking the place like there was no tomorrow. But there
was still only one thought.
“More...must eat more…” Bart muttered, looking back to the original playground and heading
Deep in his mind, Kannibal Kid was devouring an army of mutant clones who hated his
massive guts. Even with the Wonder Twins syphoning them into his mouth, it wasn’t enough.
Kannibal Kid swelled with each clone, knocking down houses, skyscrapers and mountains. It
was never ending! And for all its effort, he loved it! It’s what he was made to do!
Playing with a jump rope, Sherri, Terri and Lisa were attempting to also shift their unsightly
pounds and inches. Beyond a certain monster, the trio were the largest in school thanks to a
combination of school food and Bart’s leftovers. Right now, the soul Simpson was attempting
to jump, leaving her own set of cracks in the concrete.
“Come on Lisa!” The elder twin cried.
“You can do better then that” the younger one said in as encouraging a tone as possible.
The reality was, none of them were that good at it anymore.
Soon though, massive thuds could be heard. Then, they could be felt. They got stronger and
stronger until finally, all three girls body’s wobbled in time of the thumps.
“What on Earth…” The trio said, seemingly as if they were triplets.
Turning, they quickly realised why. Thundering forward, arms stretched out for food, Bart
Simpson was approaching them as fast as he could. A combination of drool and sweat was
like a waterfall from his child stuffed belly. In his red rage, he failed to see his potential
crushes and sister. What he saw were two purple ice cream sundaes and starfish shaped ice
cream popsicle.
“Is he okay?”
“It looks like he needs a hug…”
“Er girls?” Lisa mumbled, grabbing their wrists. “We should run. NOW.”
With a shadow looming over them, it was far too late. The Mackleberry’s maintained a
complete sense of confusion at Bart’s actions whilst Lisa simply swallowed, much she
expected to be.
There was a loud crunch.
All three girls blinked.
Bart was still there, removing a tonne of child would take a lot of effort for any type of gag.
But interestingly, he was no longer six foot of blubber. His legs had disappeared and his vast
torso was on the ground, confusing both potential meals and cannibal.
“What the hell?!” Bart hissed to himself.
“Wow, he’s so fat, his body absorbed his legs!” Terri declared.
“Or they were crushed by himself.” Sherri offered.
“This is, odd…” Lisa said of her giant, man eating brother’s sudden immobility.
Further cracking noises were heard and soon seen around the boy. Before Bart could see
them though, the ground gave way to his immense weight. For a brief moment he was
weightless, but it was truly a brief moment. Gravity quickly reminded him that he was
carrying quite a lot of children and dragged him into the darkness screaming. On the surface,
the children quickly backed away from the hole. In the pitch black, Bart’s rage decided to run
away and leave alone until finally he hit something wet.
It was at that point he went unconscious.
Slowly, Bart Simpson opened his eyes. He was first of all aware of the white light that
surrounded him.
He was then acutely aware of the loud beeping noise, and the dull sensation of pain. Once
adjusted for the light, his eyes took in his surroundings. He was in hospital, that was for
certain. Instead of laying down, he appeared to be sitting up. A look around revealed that
this was because the blob of a boy was in a bed specially designed for hyper obese patients.
It also revealed his left arm was in a cast and his skin had been rubbed red raw. Finally, he
was in several hospital gowns to try and protect his modesty, but in the end, a car crushing
gut can only be contained so much.
“Ah, you’re awake.” It was the all too familiar voice of Dr Hibbert from the doorway. The man
motioned behind the wall and quickly the rest of the Simpson’s filed into the room. Instantly
Marge was hugging his upper torso and kissing his face.
“Oh my special little guy, I was so worried for you…” The mother wailed, her voice hoarse
from crying.
“What happened to me?” He asked, enjoying the love for a change considering their last
conversation. “And, why do I feel like I ate a truck…”
This last bit was a sudden realisation that he felt so stuffed, he might never have to eat
“Well, we’ve worked out part of the Simpson genetic structure with you being here Bart.” The
doctor explained. “And simply put, it creates eating disorders, hence you and your siblings
Bart blinked at this and at his sisters. Lisa was looking concerned whilst Maggie seemed to
want to play on his massive body.
“This combined with the Bouvier trait in you of always assuming you are right, no matter
what happens. As such, you were unable to recognise your weight gain. This in turn lead to
you accident at school.”
“Remember when they struck oil?” Lisa said, eating a candy bar whilst leaning on his bed.
“Yeah, Burnsie syphoned into it and claimed it all.”
“Yes, but because he tunneled in, it left a massive cavern with no real supports.” Hibbert
went on. “With the massive weight gain in the school, the ground gave way.”
“Whole area’s fell in Bart!” Marge interrupted. “The new equipment and holes formed all over
the place! They say that’s where all the missing children ended up!”
Lisa raised an eyebrow at her brother, who looked a little sheepish.
“You survived though thanks to getting clogged in the pipework boy.” Homer said proudly,
patting his son’s stomach. “It took them three days to find you down there and another day to
wash you clean of oil!”
“It was a good job you had a big meal Bart.” His sister went on. “Though, you had enough fat
to live on…”
Despite this spiteful little attack, there was no mass rage or hunger like before.
“So Bart, enjoy the best obesity clinic in the USA.” Hibbert smiled. “Mr Burns is having to pay
for it, as well as compensation to the missing children's families and the school. In the
meantime, you’re here until you're at least half the boy you are right now. This will be down
to healthy food, strong spiritual training and a cocktail of appetite suppressants.”
With this final comment being framed by the good doctors trademark chuckle, the adults left
to discuss Bart’s new, less meat based diet. Left alone, the children entertained themselves,
Maggie climbing up the several feet of boy blubber.
“So, what now?” Lisa asked, finishing off her candy bar. It was obvious that either she hadn’t
been prescribed the medication yet, or needed a stronger dose, seeing as she was bigger
since he last saw her.
“Well, I’m done, that’s for certain. I thought something ate me when I fell.”
“Now you know how your meals felt.”
Bart went a bit red at that, though any moment was ruined by his oversized baby sibling
using him as a trampoline.
“Yeah, well, we all get what we wanted I suppose. You were right, the school gets money, I
got fed, Mr Burns faces justice and we discovered that we are genetic freaks thanks to mom
and Homer.”
“And you got away with it.”
The last comment sat with Bart once the family left a few hours later. On his own in the
hospital room, a hearty adult meal in front of him, the former cannibal watched TV as he ate
for the first time in days. With only one hand, this was proving somewhat difficult.
“Sheesh, they could at least have cut some of this…”
“Maybe we can help.”
Snapping to his side, Sherri and Terri were stood there.
“Oh hey girls. Thank’s for coming to see me.” He said with a weak smile to the obese girls.
“Well, we did promise to hang out with you if you made the yard safer.” The elder twin said,
sitting on the bed’s edge. Whatever its weight limit, it was unlikely to break anytime soon.
“And you showed how dangerous it was and saved quite a lot of lives.” The younger girl
added, reaching up and taking his tray of food. Bart was prepared to give up the meal but
really, she was simply cutting it up.
“Keep it, I’m not that hungry.” He admitted, shocking the pair. It was quickly revealed to be
mock shock.
“We’re not surprised.”
Sherri produced his school bag and pulled out a certain sketchbook.
“So, Kannibal Kid, you think all those people fell into that oil pit?”
“Or is it more likely they fell in a different sort of pit?” Terri asked, patting Bart’s body.
Weak from his ordeal, pinned by his former gluttony and no longer able to eat anybody
thank’s to the drugs in his body, he was stuck between himself and, er, something bigger?
The moon perhaps?
“What do you want from me?” He relented.
With a look to one another, Terri finishing her mouthful, the pair snapped back and gave a
stereo response.
Blinking, only now did he spot the slight amount of drool seeping out of the corners of their
mouths. Shock turned to horror and finally a slight amount of joy. The work of justice will go
on, and it won’t be him getting the fat lectures about it at least…

The ​*URP!*​ End!

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