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4 ¢ CENGAGE Passive Voice--Modals = Learning” Gerais Present Tense Past Tense Using Get Sealed UNeeiaias = Taxes must not be raised, and city services should | Can/could/ may/mightimust/ought to/ ‘should + be + past participle “The police budget could be cut. ‘Some of these financial issues could have been | Could may/might/must/ought to/should + addressed over the last two years. have been + past participle Present Future: Some firefighters might get laid off | In spoken or informal English, get is used as the passive helping verb instead of be. The passive with get is more common with ving things than with nonliving things. The Past: The mayor might not have gotten reelected. | passive voice with get emphasizes the action rather than the state, Present/Future: Can/could/ may/mightimust/ought to/ should + get + past pariciple Past Could/ may/mightimust/ought to/ should + have gotten + past participle Grammar Caté Copyright © Cengage Learning Not reproducible without written permission of publisher

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