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¿Cómo funciona Will?

Expresa una situación futura que no ha sido planeada, una decisión espontánea o
un hecho sobre el cuál no se pueda decidir.
Ejemplo oración conjugada con will.
I will help you with your speech.
Will puede contraerse solo o cuando se conjuga con el auxiliar negativo not. Esta
contracción puede formarse en todos los sujetos verbales, sin sufrir alteración

1. I will visit my grandma the next week.
2. You will be a good father.
3. He will go to the cinema with his friend.
4. She will do her homework.
5. My dog will eat the meat.
6. We will come to the meeting.
7. They will run a marathon.
8. My mom will cook the dinner.
9. My uncle will drive to the airport on Sunday.
10. The airplane will fly to Chicago the weekend.
11. The mason will build my house in a month.
12. My brother will help me to pass my exam.
13. Marie will bake a cake for the dinner.
14. My dad will work extra hours this week.
15. The teacher will teach you mathematics.
16. My boyfriend and I will walk on Saturday in the afternoon.
17. Schools will open until September.
18. I will dance on Friday in the party.
19. My mom will buy a new car the next month.
20. The astronaut will fly on Saturday at 3:00.

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