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We've been fed with fears

We’ve bore their burden of airs
Waters quietly drank by the sun
Thunders and lightnings now flaunt
In their unholy zeal they concoct a feat
Gulping down the awe of onlookers on the street
Hmmm! “Kati-kati”! my mother would disdainfully hiss away
Folly has hung on blind wisdom's neck; “for sale”
The trees know when to stop dancing with the winds
Even the acrobatic boughs of the weeping Willow trees
Yet pride. Or maybe folly?..yes, folly, I'm sure
Has left the mahogany thinking it can endure
Gigantism and Sarcasm have kissed
Alas! The crown on its head the wind hopes it's his
The simulation of men holding brooms with white wrappers round their loins
Raising rusty dust with their feet, like a virus,
against the backdrop of the noise Of drums and gongs echoing against the red
swathed trunk of the mahogany
Answers the question of who fares better, Mrs polyandry or Mr polygamy?
Hmmm! “kati-kati”! the people will say, as their palms muzzle their mouths
The feeble hands hold the bubbles we live in, yeee! Sorry I meant ouch!
For how long shall they shake their hoary head and dance shamelessly
While we watch with leaves in our mouths, helplessly and foolishly
No matter how important the guest is, a man must never entertain him with his wife
A man I say..I mean a real man, one full of Hope and Life.
© Olumide Adeoso 2017.

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