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Opening slide

Trinity College

Slide 1 (How it all began)

Trinity College is a constituent college of the University of Cambridge. The college was founded in 1546
by King Henry VIII. Trinity is one of the oldest and largest colleges in Cambridge, with the largest financial
endowment of any college at either Cambridge or Oxford. Trinity has some of the most distinctive
architecture within Cambridge, with its Great Court reputed to be the largest enclosed courtyard in

Slide 2 (Notable Alumni)

Trinity alumni include the father of the scientific method (or empiricism) Francis Bacon, six British prime
ministers (the highest of any Cambridge college), physicists Isaac Newton, James Clerk Maxwell, Ernest
Rutherford and Niels Bohr, mathematicians Srinivasa Ramanujan and Charles Babbage, poets Lord Byron
and Lord Tennyson, English jurist Edward Coke, writers Vladimir Nabokov and A. A. Milne, historians Lord
Macaulay and G. M. Trevelyan and philosophers Ludwig Wittgenstein and Bertrand Russell (whom it
expelled before reaccepting).

Two members of the British royal family have studied at Trinity and been awarded degrees: Prince
William of Gloucester and Edinburgh, who gained an MA in 1790, and Prince Charles, who was awarded
a lower second class BA in 1970. Other royal family members that have studied at Trinity without
obtaining degrees include King Edward VII, King George VI, and Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester.

Slide 3 (Inner kitchen)

Trinity has many college societies, including the Trinity Mathematical Society, which is the oldest
mathematical university society in the United Kingdom, and the First and Third Trinity Boat Club, its
rowing club, which gives its name to the college's May Ball. Along with Christ's, Jesus, King's and St
John's colleges, it has also provided several of the well known members of the Cambridge Apostles, an
intellectual secret society.

Slide 4 (Some words about education)

According to experts, particularly popular educational programms of the college are:

· History

· Engineering specialties

· Computer technology

· Art and Design

· Biotechnologies

· Jurisprudence.


Thank you for attention. I don't really know what else to tell.

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