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Learning new things is what gives me immense motivation in the class.

The willingness to learn a new

trick or trade is what kept me going. The very fact that I am adding to my knowledge base is a big
positive for me. Utilizing my free time in a constructive way is also my source of motivation to do good in
the class. I believe that learning should never stop.Effort recognition also motivates me to do good in
the class.Having someone that motivates you or believe in you is a big thing for me and ma'am my
family never failed to that . This not only keeps me energized but also on my toes to keep working

Yes,Distraction and interruption are some of the challenges that I've face today.As much as we may
sometimes like to, we can't just shut our brains off or put them in a drawer so they can't disturb us. And
every time that I get distracted, it takes precious energy that we should be using to study, memorize,
and master content to refocus and return to my work.

I've overcome those challenges by taking time to recognize what those distraction triggers are for me,
and then I take action to remove them from my workspace. Shut off those alerts. Turn off my phone to
do not disturb mode. Letting my friends know that I'll be studying and unable to reply until the time that
I am finished.For my internal distractions, I consider having a piece of paper nearby for me to jot things
down. I'm worried that may forget,so I make a note so I won't forgot. I also can't stop thinking about
something that happened so I also take a break to walk around, or write about it, or do something to
help lessen its presence in my head. And of course , snacks and water. Learning is a hard work, and I
need to feed my brain.

First,I will develop self-discipline.I will stop doing unnecessary thing in order to improve while studying
in order to get the positive results I crave. Regulating myself is incredibly important because it can build
my self-esteem. Whenever I achieve the goals I set for myself,I can get a boost of confidence which can
improve many aspects of my lives not just in my study.Next,Managing my time.Great time management
can help me limit procrastination and stress, achieve your goals, and make my free time more enjoyable
because I won’t be worried about what else you could be getting done. I will make it a point to improve
my time management skills in order to increase my self discipline as a student.

Beating deadlines is what motivates me in the class today. Because today is a long day since we had a
long quiz.This does not mean that I overlook the quality aspect.Trying hard to complete tasks well
before the deadline is a big challenge to me. Completing work before time gives me a sense of pride and
achievement. Improving efficiency without compromising on quality along with having spare time is
what motivates me.This increases my self-confidence and allows me to push myself harder in the class.
I'm not ashame to say that I nearly cry because of the quiz,Its easy,I swear,the task today is very
challenging that require various skills to understand it,like analysation skills and critical thinking which
are really useful.

A big YES.Honestly,I'm having a hard time in processing and understanding the lesson today.Maam Kath
already discuss everything clearly and concisely,but my brain is not cooperating with me.I don't know
why,maybe because I'm thinking too much or I'm just a bit pressure.but I've overcome those challenges
at the end of the day with a smile on my face.

I've overcome those challenges through patience,practice and believing in myself.Patience in

understanding the lesson and patience in inserting extra effort and time to process the information.It
may not be easy but because of my persistent and determination to learned I did all I can with patience
to survive.Eventually I've overcome the challenges through practice.Practice not only help me to learn
faster but also keeps me motivated .After I understand and process the information in today's learning,I
spend my time practicing to apply and see what I learned.The more efficient I am with my practice time,
the more quickly I'll learn.

First,I will add revisions and practice in my daily basis.I will invest time to review my notes and read my
module. Also, I will put my heart into practice test or quiz so that can identify my weaknesses and work
on them. In addition, I will also give myself enough time to revise so I won't get stressed over the lack of
time.Another is having a positive attitude towards learning.Whenever I feel down I will defeat this
feeling with positivity. For any challenges I have to face in my study, I will approach it in a positive
attitude because this is the only way that I will be able to bring a change to the situation. I will always
remind myself that “I can do it”, “I will do”, “I will not give up”, “I’m not a failure”.


When it comes to studying, multitasking is ineffective, and a myth. While it may seem like multitasking
would be a good thing, research has shown that people who are multitasking are actually not doing two
things at the same time. Instead, they're switching back and forth quickly between tasks. The result is
that performance on both tasks suffers, and those who do this task-switching are less likely to
remember information later on (Dzubak, 2008). While there may be other areas of our lives where
multitasking is useful, studying and problem solving are not one of these. Learning and mastery require
deep concentration, and the interruptions and distractions that come from trying to do more than one
thing at once make it harder to focus and decrease your chances of recalling that information later.
What interest me in the class is today's topic.The topic connects to what I like to do as a result I willingly
spend time thinking, dialoging, and creating ideas in meaningful ways about today's learning.
Additionally,completing work before time gives me a sense of pride and achievement. Improving
efficiency without compromising on quality along with having spare time is what motivates me.This
increases my self-confidence and allows me to push myself harder in the class.

Yes,Distraction and interruption are some of the challenges that I've face today.As much as we may
sometimes like to, we can't just shut our brains off or put them in a drawer so they can't disturb us. And
every time that I get distracted, it takes precious energy that we should be using to study, memorize,
and master content to refocus and return to my work.Additionally,the topic in today's learning is very
challenging that require various skills to understand it,like analysation skills and critical thinking which
are really useful.

I've overcome those challenges by being optimistic,it help me feel less worried and start looking
forward to the lesson.I will keep in mind that a negative mind or thinking will not give me a positive life.
Class can be really hard sometimes but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.Optimismis a
protective factor,it help me respond to problems or frustrations with a sense of confidence and a belief
in my personal ability, even when they’re under stress.Additionally,I've overcome those challenges by
using ang practicing some skills that would help and benefit me in this session. I admit that overcoming
those challenges is hard but fun. Aside from the fact that I've understand the lesson because of patience
and hardwork, I've also learned to practice and improve my analyzation skills and critical thinking which
is not only useful in this subject but for many situation or cases.

I will continue to be prepared and get rid of distraction.Nothing can beat a person who is prepared. I will
organize my schedule, and have a to-do list,it can be a big help in doing my school works.Next times,I
will do my best to avoid distraction.Avoid getting distracted in using my mobile phone or laptop to
watch a movie or scroll through your social media account/s. There is a time for everything,I believe that
I can finish my work on time when I'm not distracted.I will do my best to make learning fun and exert
more effort in understanding the lessons.I realized that having fun while learning will help me retain
information better because the process is enjoyable and memorable. Exerting more effort in
understanding the topic will widen my horizon and will open a more favorable situation for me.

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