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Three scenarios predicting the rise of HCM city

2 universities have said: In the best-case scenario (kịch bản tốt nhất có thể), with economic activities resuming
(=restart/hồi phục, lấy lại, chiếm lại) by 15/9, the HCMC economy will only shrink (grow smaller/ giảm) 0.85 percent
this year.
In the medium scenario with the ongoing (đang diễn ra) COVID-19 wave being controlled by 15/9 and new normal
condition (điều kiện) being established in October, the city’s economy will decline (sụt, suy sụt) 1.74 percent- based
on a research by the University of Economic&Law and the HCMC National University's Institute for
Development&Research in Banking Technology.
In the worst scenario with the COVID wave lasting until the end of September and new normal condition will be
established in the late October, HCMC’s economy will decline 13,48 percent.
The research based on two assumptions (giả đinh). The first, HCMC and neighboring provinces (các tỉnh lân cận)
basically controlled the 4th wave of Covid 19 in the September, so socioeconomic can resume in the new normal
condition in th October.
The second,, vaccinating against Covid 19 is further conducted ( tiếp tục tiến hành) on a large scale (phạm vi, quy
mô), so that 70-80% of populations of HCMC and the neighboring provinces need to be vaccinated 2 doses (liều) by
early fourth quarter of this year and 70-80% of Vietnamese people get at least one dose by December.
The researchers stated (phát biểu, tuyên bố/ nhà nước) that without the State‘s timely (kịp thời) support, the
unemployment rate (tỷ lệ) of HCMC and tthe south will increase sharply (mạnh mẽ, nhanh chóng) in the coming
time (rtrong thời gian tới)
They proposed (đề xuất, đề nghị, đưa ra) that the government and municipal authorities (chịnh quyền thành phố)

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