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Q1: Explain that how your brand is distinguished from five core product levels?

The success of Products can be described in many ways. Similarly, each can have multiple levels
satisfying the consumer's needs and wants. For a company also, they are quite beneficial, for they
make the product attractive.

1. Core Product

This is the product that adds the fundamental value to the consumer. Think of it as the benefit the
consumer is buying. One way to recognize the core product is to ask about the main reason why
someone wants it. The core benefit of Coca-Cola is to satisfy a thirst.

2. Generic Product

All the ingredients and other items which enable the product to satisfy the core are together
known as the basic product. The generic product is a burnt vanilla smelling, black, carbonated,
and sweetened fizzy drink.

3. Expected Product

The expected product is the set of features the consumer wishes to have from the bought product.
Quality is one of the main examples. The expected product is that the customer’s Coca-Cola is
cold. If this isn’t the case, then expectations won’t be met and the drink will not taste its best in
the mind of the customer.

4. Augmented Product

This can be defined as the product going beyond what the consumer imagines to achieve from
the purchase. For a company, this means adding extra features to the product. Coca-Cola’s
augmented product is that it offers Diet-Coke. Coca-Cola exceed customers’ expectations with
this product by offering all the great taste of Coca-Cola, but with zero calories.

5. Potential Product

This is about the new development of the same product. In this, anything is possible. The next
version of it may contain some improvement. One way in which Coca-Cola delights customers is
by running competitions. The prizes in these competitions are often things that, “money can’t
buy”, such as celebrity experiences. To continue to delight customers over time the competition
prizes change frequently.

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