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NO BP : 21410001




Express the numbers below into good English. Number 1 is done for you.

- 1234 kilometers
Answer: one thousand two hundred and thirty four kilometers

- 25.488.185 kilometres
Answer: twenty five million four hundred eighty eight thousand one hundred and eighty
five kilometers

- £ 54.900.300,50
Answer: fifty four million nine hundred thousand three hundred pound and fifty pence

- From 2012 to 2029

Answer: from two thousand and twelve to two thousand twenty nine

- Rp 68.423.600.000
- Answer: sixty eight billion four hundred twenty three million six hundred thousand

Telling and draw the time base on the sentence below. Number 1 is done for you.

1. I work seven hours every day. Today, I began to work at 11 pm. What time will I finish my work?
2. The show room opened at nine, and will close at ten hours later. What time will the show room
close then?
3. Yesterday, Haikal came for lunch at twelve or one hour before lunch time. What time did the lunch
time start?
2 3

1. Six o’clock am 2. Seven o’clock pm 3.One o’clock pm

Rearrange the words in the bracket into good Noun Phrases. No 1 is done for you

1. (businessman, good, a) keeps a records of his deal.

Answer: a good businessman keeps a records of his deal
2. A good manager can suggest (new, investment, some, strategies) to you.
Answer: a good manager can suggest some strategies new investment to you
3. There are (bedrooms, 45, furnished, good) in this hotel.
Answer: there are 45 good furnished bedrooms in this hotel
4. IMF is developing (15, projects, economic, new, its) in Asia
Answer: IMF is developing its 15 new economic projects in Asia
5. What are (bank, duties, accountant, some, new)?
Answer: what are some new duties accoutant bank ?
6. The Hill is (international, a, new, hotel, modern) in Bukittinggi.
Answer: The Hills is a new modern international hotel in Bukittinggi
7. (hand-made, traditional, batik, Indonesian, colorful) is well known all over the world.
Answer: tradisional colorful indonesia handmade batik is well know all over the world
8. He made (new, scientific, important, an, discovery) in business.
Answer: he made an important new scientific discovery in business
9. (three, competitors, all, first, ) broke the World record.
Answer:all first three competitors broken the world record
10. Have you done (questions, first, three, difficult) yet?
Answer:have you done first three difficut questions yet?

11. Balance sheet is ( assets, liabilities, and, company’s, statement)

Answer: Balance sheet is statement assets and liabilities companys

Translate these Phrases to good Bahasa Indonesia. No 1 is done for you.

1. a new government policies

Answer: suatu kebijakan pemerintah baru

2. a contract between a lender and a borrower in the branch of Mandiri bank in West Sumatera
Answer: sebuah kontrak antara pemberi pinjaman di cabang bank mandiri di sumatra barat
3. the creation of jobs in government and public corporations
Answer:penciptaan lapangan kerja di pemerintahan dan perusahaan public
4. financial risks with the hope of making large profits
Answer: resiko keuangan dengan harapan menghasilkan keuangan besar
5. a book exhibition on the beginning of October in Gramedia book store
Answer: sebuah pameran buku di awal oktober ditoko buku gramedia
6. 3,5 hectares of tropical garden in Dhyana Pura hotel in Bali
Answer: 3,5 hektar taman tropis di hotel dhyana pura di bali

Translate these Phrases to good English. No 1 is done for you.

1. sebuah bank yang terletak di pusat kota

Answer: a bank locatied in the city center
2. sektor ekonomi yang tradisional dan modern ini.
Answer: this tradisional an modrend economic sector
3. sebuah buku sejarah lama yang menggambarkan tentang kekuasaan President Suharto.
Answer: an old history book which describes the power of president suharto
uang yang kamu pinjam dari bank untuk bisnismu
Answer: the money borrow from bank for you bussines
4. gaji yang dibayarkan perusahaan kepada seorang pegawai untuk pekerjaannya
Answer: the sallary paid by company to an empoyee for his work
5. beberapa peraturan pemerintah Indonesia baru yang dibuat untuk mengatasi masalah pengangguran
Answer: severeal new indonesia gonverment rules which made to address the unemployment problem

Find SUBJECT or OBJECT based on the word in the bracket of each sentences below. No 1 is done for you.

1. Every year tourists from abroad are increasing in numbers. (SUBJECT)

Answer: every year tourist

2. Economic development strategies raise agricultural output. (SUBJECT)

Answer: economic development strategies

3. The total of current assets and fixed assets comes to $15.550.000 in this year. (SUBJECT)
Answer:the total of current assest and fixed assests
4. His profession demands three important qualities of mind. (OBJECT)
Answer:three important qualities of mind

5. Policies of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks are the same everywhere. (SUBJECT)
Answer: policies of the twelve federal reserves banks

6. The total personal check account base was nearly 4.5 million. (SUBJECT)
Answer: the total personal

7. Annual finance reports analyze a company's performance over the preceding year and discuss its plans for the
upcoming year. (OBJECT)

Answer: performance over the preceding year and discuss its plans for the upcoming year

8. Industrial associations have urged the government to suspend the implementation of a new regulation on import
duties until next year, which was considered to have hurt the domestic industry. (SUBJECT)
Answer:industrial associations
9. There are a number of words which combine with sales and market. (SUBJECT)
Answer:the are a number of words

10. Struggling hard in playing the Malaysian team in the 26th SEA Games soccer competition`s finals on Monday
night (Nov 21), Indonesian team failed to grab gold medal after being defeated by the Malaysian team 4-5 (1-1).

Answer: struggling hard in playing the malaysian

11. The National Police questioned an immigration officer from the East Jakarta Immigration Office on Thursday about
a fraudulently obtained passport that graft defendant GayusTambunan allegedly used in excursions from his cell
last year. (OBJECT)
Answer: a fraudulently obtained passport that graft defendant GayusTambunan


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