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Create Your Own Story Project

Using a similar format to the “Finish the story” activity we did in class, you will create your own
story. You will write your story below the blank treble clef staff lines, then use the staff to draw the note
names within each word. Be sure to make a copy of the blank worksheet before you fill it in. You will use
one copy to write and notate the complete story. See the guidelines below for further hints and

____ 1. Write your story in the box below – must be at least 4 sentences.

____ 2. Highlight, underline, or circle the letters in your story that you can label as note names

• Letters you will use: ABCDEF or G

____ 3. Write your story underneath the treble clef staffs on the blank worksheet

• Be sure to leave enough space to draw the notes above

____ 4. Highlight, circle, or underline alphabet letters ABCDEF or G that you will need to draw

____ 5. Draw the notes correctly above the highlighted letters

• Be sure your stems are facing the right direction


Story contains at least 4 sentences _____/5

At least 15 notes names are used and labeled _____/5

Notes are written and labeled correctly & are visibly different _____/10

Stems are drawn correctly _____/5

1 completed copy is submitted _____/10

Total: _____/35
1. Write your story in the box below. Remember, it must have at least 4 sentences.

2. In the box above, highlight, circle, underline, or write in a different color to distinguish the
letters within each word that represent treble clef notes (A, B, C, D, E, F, or G).

Ex: Teacher would look like Teacher

3. Open a blank copy of the create your own treble clef story worksheet.

4. Write your story underneath the treble clef staffs

5. Highlight, circle, underline or write notes in different color again to distinguish them from letters
that do not represent treble clef notes.

6. Draw the notes above each word on the correct lines or spaces. Draw the stems facing the
correct direction.

7. Submit your final story to Google Classroom.

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