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xtension: Feature Scaling

Once your data is all in numerical format, there's one more transformation you'll
probably want to do to it.

It's called Feature Scaling.

In other words, making sure all of your numerical data is on the same scale.

For example, say you were trying to predict the sale price of cars and the number
of kilometres on their odometers varies from 6,000 to 345,000 but the median
previous repair cost varies from 100 to 1,700. A machine learning algorithm may
have trouble finding patterns in these wide-ranging variables.

To fix this, there are two main types of feature scaling.

Normalization (also called min-max scaling) - This rescales all the numerical
values to between 0 and 1, with the lowest value being close to 0 and the highest
previous value being close to 1. Scikit-Learn provides functionality for this in
the MinMaxScalar class.
Standardization - This subtracts the mean value from all of the features (so the
resulting features have 0 mean). It then scales the features to unit variance (by
dividing the feature by the standard deviation). Scikit-Learn provides
functionality for this in the StandardScalar class.
A couple of things to note.

Feature scaling usually isn't required for your target variable.

Feature scaling is usually not required with tree-based models (e.g. Random Forest)
since they can handle varying features.
Extra reading

For further information on this topic, I'd suggest the following resources.

Feature Scaling - why is it required? by Rahul Saini

Feature Scaling with Scikit-Learn by Ben Alex Keen
Feature Scaling for Machine Learning: Understanding the Difference Between
Normalization vs. Standardization by Aniruddha Bhandari

After reading up on feature scaling, a good idea would be to practice it on one of

the problems you're working on and see how it affects the results. If you find
anything interesting, be sure to share it.
Thank you to Sid and Shubhamai for suggesting resources. If you have anything you
think should be added, please let us know.

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