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The world is becoming (become) more dependent on technology as a

means of communication and recreation and, as a consequence, computer

crime is increasing at an alarming rate. One type of computer crime that has

the potential to cause immense distress and damage is termed cyberstalking.

Cyberstalking is defined as using the Internet or other electronic means as a

way to harass, intimidate, threaten, monitor or make unwanted contact

towards a person (victim). It can involve direct communications through e-

mails, chat rooms, or social sites such as Facebook, collecting personal

information of the target = victim, or covert observation. It is estimated that

this crime will continue to increase at a fast speed because cybercriminals will

soon find new ways to evade the law.

Stalk....... stalker

drive..... driver

run...... runner
act ….... actor

sail..... sailor

piano..... pianist

reception..... receptionist

Swimming (noun)

Stalking (noun)

The rate is alarming/frightening. (adjective)

Yoga is relaxing


It is used to describe an action in progress now or around now

Computer crime is increasing

subject + be (am, is, are) + V+ing

We are talking

Marianella is watching “YOU”

Present Cotinuous
It is used to describe an action in progress now

+ I am typing this lesson

Cyberstalking is alarming the population of many countries

- I am not reading a book

? Are you listening to me?


+ Cyberstalking will continue to grow/increase

- This crime will not decrease/ go down

This crime won´t decrease.

? Will cyberstalking continue to increase?

Increase - opposite – decrease

go up/ go down

turn up the volume/ turn down the volume



Estimate....... estimated go......... went

stop.............. stopped begin......... began

She stopped her car have …...... had

travel........ travelled drive......... drove

jumpe...... jumped cut............ cut

kill........... killed She usually cuts the grass on Sundays

He killed his mother-in-law She cut herself with a knife

murder.......... murdered

choke............. choked

acquit.......... acquitted


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