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99 things to do before you die by Nila Northsun sponsor a child for christmas

cosmo mag came out with a list bet on a stick game

of 99 things to do before you die i had done 47 of participate in a protest
them learn a song to sing in a sweat
or at least my version of them recycle
like make love on the forest floor grow a garden
spend a day in bed reading a good book say something nice everyday to your mate
sleep under the stars say something nice everyday to your children
learn not to say yes when you mean no chop wood for your grandpa
but the other things so there
were things only rich people could do a more attainable list
and we certainly know at this rate
you don't have to be rich before you die i'm ready to die anytime
things like not much left undone
dive off a yacht in the aegean though cosmo's
buy a round-the-world air ticket have an affair in paris while
go to manaco for the grand prix discoing in red leather and sipping champagne
go to rio during carnival could find a place on my list
sure would love to but
no maza-ska
money honey
so what's a poor indian to do?
come up with a list that's more
culturally relevant
so my list includes
go 49ing at crow fair
learn of 20 ways to prepare commodity canned pork

fall in love with a white person

fall in love with an indian
eat ta-nee-ga with a sioux
learn to make good fry bread
be an extra in an indian movie
learn to speak your language
give your gramma a rose and a bundle of sweet
watch a miwok deer dance
attend a hopi kachina dance
owl dance with a yakama
curl up in bed with a good indian novel
better yet
curl up in bed with a good indian novelist
ride bareback and leap over a small creek
make love in a tipi
count coup on an enemy
bathe not swim in a lake or river
wash your hair too and don't forget your pits
stop drinking alcohol
tell skinwalker stories by campfire
almost die then appreciate your life
help somebody who has it worse than you
donate canned goods to a local food bank

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