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import random

# Dictionary of questions and answers

questions = {

'Who is president of USA?':

('\na. Myslef\nb. His dad\nc. His mom\nd. Barack Obama\n', 'd'),

'What is the capital of USA?':

('\na. Zimbabwe\nb. New York\nc. Washington\nd. Do not exist', 'c')

def ask_question(questions):

'''Asks random question from 'questions 'dictionary and returns

players's attempt and correct answer.'''

item = random.choice(list(questions.items()))

question = item[0]

(variants, answer) = item[1]

print(question, variants)

attempt = input('\nHit \'a\', \'b\', \'c\' or \'d\' for your answer\n')

return (attempt, answer)

# Questions loop

tries = 0

for questions_number in range(5):

while True: # Asking 1 question

attempt, answer = ask_question(questions)

if attempt not in {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'}:

print('INVALID INPUT!!! Only hit \'y\' or \'n\' for your response')

elif attempt == answer:


stop_asking = False


elif tries == 1: # Specify the number of tries to fail the answer

print('Incorrect!!! You ran out of your attempts')

stop_asking = True



tries += 1

print('Incorrect!!! Try again.')

if stop_asking:


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