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Volume 34 | Issue 1 Article 8


Diagnosis and Treatment of Disease in the Turtle

Pete Henriksen
Iowa State University

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Henriksen, Pete (1972) "Diagnosis and Treatment of Disease in the Turtle," Iowa State University Veterinarian: Vol. 34 : Iss. 1 , Article
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placenta to the maternal side and the re- another. Glucose is phosphorylated, con-
sulting isoantibodies return to cause he- verted to fructose and then secreted into
molysis of fetal erythrocytes. 19 There is the fetal compartment. IS Several other ex-
no evidence that these "holes" are signifi- amples similar to this exist. Placental
cant in the passage of drugs. drug metabolism also exists and this point
Some endogenous substances are trans- will be discussed in greater detaH in the
ferred by processes that involve the meta- next issue.
bolic conversion of one substance into

Diagnosis and Treatment of Disease

in the Turtle
by Pete Henriksen* and David L. Graham,t D:V.M.

Closely paralleling the tremendous ported, but untreated cases usually die.
boom in the cat and dog population in Sectioning the eye on post-mortem reveals
this country is an increased interest in an extensive change in the Harderian
exotic pets. The most commonly kept gland. The epithelium changes from glan-
reptile pets include snakes, alligators, dular to squamous and the acini become
chameleons, iguanas, and turtles ..t3 Of dilated and distended by masses of keratin
these, turtles are the most popular and that cannot be expelled. The gland center
it is certainly not unusual for the veteri- becomes an accumulation of eosinophilic
nary practitioner to be presented with an granulocytes forming a kind of abscess.
ailing turtle for treatment. The cause of this disease is generally
Many problems in turtles are related to thought to be a vitamin A deficiency. Other
poor nutrition. One very common ocular possible etiologies include: obstruction of
disease results is palpebral edema and hy- the gland duct by bacteria or nematodes,
perkeratosis of the Harderian glands. The faulty temperature regulation, or improper
nictitating membrane becomes inflamed, lime levels in the water. o
thickened, and easily visible with the Treatment of this glandular disease usu-
naked eye. It fails to cover the eyeball ally consists of vitamin A supplementation
completely and engorges with blood. With- in the form of cod liver oil (two' drops
in a couple of days the upper and lower daily). Success is reported in all but
lids become swollen and fuse so that they chronic cases ..t3 Other remedies include
cannot be mechanically separated even sulfathiazole ointment daily, warm boric
with a blunt instrument. The turtle, now acid bath, or an hour a day swim in warm
totally blind, refuses to eat and usually tea or aquarium salts:'
di~s of starvation. Recovery has been re-
Another condition in turtles thought to
• Mr. Henriksen is a senior in the college of Vet- be caused by vitamin A deficiency mani-
erinary Medicine. Iowa State University. Ames.
Dr. Graham is an Associate Professor of Path-
ology, College of Veterinary Medicine. Iowa State
fests itself as a patchy white discoloration
University, Ames. of the carapace accompanied by listless-

Issue No. I, 1972 29

ness and refusal to eat. Adequate heat, Pseudomonas spp. and Proteus spp. ap-
light and a variety of live foods help pre- pear to be the most common bacterial dis-
vent this disease. Treatment with multiple ease agents, followed by E. coli, Citrobacter
vitamin preparations is also helpfu1. 9 spp., Pasteurella spp., Bartonella spp.,
Because of their shells, turtles have a Erysipelothrix insidiosa, Clostridium novyi,
high demand for vitamin D, cdcium, and and Mycobacterium Spp;13
phosphorus to prevent rickets. It is very Mycobacterium thamnopheos is the tu-
common to see soft shells, distorted shells berculosis organism usually recovered
or kyphosis due to vitamin D or mineral from turtles. It is usually pulmonary and
deficiency. Young growing turtles are commonly affects the land tortoises. Tu-
more susceptible, and therefore they bercles form in the lungs and the clinical
should receive adequate exposure to sun- course of the disease is similar to pul-
light or ultraviolet light and mineral sup- monary tuberculosis in mammals. Diagno-
plementation. Suggested methods of sup- sis may be made by isolation of acidfast
plementing calcium and phosphorus in- bacilli from nasal exudate or feces. The
clude feeding ground egg shells in ham- organism is resistant to most antibiotics. 2
burger, ground fish, or placing a lump of Citrobacter freundii (referred to as E.
plaster of paris in the terrarium. 2 Normal freundii by Marcus) can be a serious prob-
commercial turtle foods are usually inad- lem in large turtle operations. The dis-
equate in minerals. Two of the three ease may spread through an entire turtle
turtles presented to the 18.U. clinic jn the farm within a week. Clinical signs include
past one and a half years had shell de- lethargy, cutaneous ulcers, film over the
formities. Treatment in these cases was eyes, limb paralYSiS, muscle necrosis, and
with calcium gluconate tablets. v loss of toes. Septicemia results in hemoly-
It is also possible to produce hypervita- sis with focal necrosis in the heart, kid-
minosis D with oversupplementation or ney, liver, and spleen. The organism is
overexposure to ultraviolet light. Calcifi- quickly transferred through cuts or abra-
cation of the vascular tree, visible on ra- sions and is often fatal. Chloramphenicol
diography, results in extreme cases. (6 mg./100 gms. soft tissue weight on the
Painting designs on young turtle's backs first day followed by 3 mg./100 gms. twice
is a practice that can lead to deformed daily for seven days) has been successful
shells. The foreign substance interferes in reducing the mortality from 48% to
with normal shell formation and should 17%. Complete recovery was increased
be carefully chipped off (solvents are con- from 12% to 56%. The shell is considered
tradicated since they may be toxic). to comprise 25% to 50% of the total body
Low vitamin E levels in the diet can be weight (for use in dosage calculations).2
caused by oily fish such as mackeral, and Pseudomonas spp., Proteus spp., E. coli
skeletal muscle atrophy and anorexia may serotypes, Pasteurella spp., and Erysipelo-
result. 13 thrix insidiosa cause similar syndromes
Goiter has been precipitated by the which may manifest themselves as gastro-
goitrogenic effect of potassium nitrate in enteritis, diarrhea or constipation, anorex-
overfertilized grass, hay, lettuce, kale, or ia, or pneumonia. Septicemic forms are
spinach. The diet should be varied to brief and usually lead to depression, con-
avoid extensive feeding of anyone of these torsions, and death. Survivors often have
materials. Treatment includes supplemen- milliary abscesses and/or chronic pericar-
tation with iodized salt at .5% of the ditis. If treated early, Na sulfathiazine (1
diet,13 oz. per gallon of water for ten days) or
Infectious diseases in turtles have not chloram phenicol (same regimen as for
been thoroughly studied. As a result there Citrobacter spp. infections) have been
is some controversy regarding frequency successful. 13
of specific infections. The conditions that Amoebic dysentery, caused by Enta-
were the most consistently mentioned as moeba invadens, is reported to be very
significant in turtles are listed below. Indi- common in turtles. Enteritis leads to
vidual references may vary somewhat. mucosal ulceration, serosal adhesions,

30 Iowa State University Veterinarian

and eventual invasion of the portal vein effects unless numbers are excessive. 2
to the liver causing massive infarction. Numerous species of filariads inhabit
Rapid death follows. Spread of the or- the vascular system. They are most often
ganism to other susceptible hosts is also found in mesenteric arteries and in the
rapid. Emetine HCL has been used in posterior vena cava causing generalized
therapy at 40 mg/kg. body weight. 2 edema and thrombosis. Since the ther-
Although not common among reptiles mal death point of these worms is 96.8° F.
in general, mycotic infections are preva- all that is necessary for treatment is to
lent in the turtle. Aspergillosis regularly raise the tank temperature to 98.6° F.
affects the lungs of captive tortoises. slowly and allow the parasites to be over-
Reichenbach-Klinke estimates 3% of all heated:13
deaths in these tortoises are due to pul- External parasites include ticks (Ixodid
monary mycosis. Fungal infections may spp.) and mites. Mites can be removed
also extend to the carapace, particularly with castor oil and 90% alcohol. Ticks
in debilitated specimens. Where the shell should be painted with paraffin or methy-
is affected, Mucor spp. has been isolated. II lated spirits and removed with forceps.
One tablespoon of KMn0 4 per gallon of Flies (especially Sarcophaga cistudinis)
water has been recommended for topical lay their eggs in the cloacal region of the
treatment of fungal infections. 2 land tortoise and the larvae penetrate un-
Pneumonia can also be caused by many der the carapace causing necrosis and
of the bacterial agents known to infect exudation. Leeches can be a problem in
turtles. Clinical signs accompanying pneu- the aquatic turtles. Overgrowths of algae
monia include nasal discharge, gaping of on the shell produce flaking and necrosis.
the mouth, dyspnea, wheezing respiration, Iodine preparations and good sanitation
listlessness, and anorexia. The course of will take care of this condition. 8
the disease is variable depending on the Being an object of considerable curiosity
pathogen, but often terminates fatally in and, at the same time, defenseless and
untreated patients. Tetracyclines (50-100 awkward, the turtle may find himself un-
mg/lb. daily, orally) are effective. s der attack by frustrated pets or overly
As in most wild animals adapted as zealous children. As a result fractured
pets, parasites may be a problem. Turtles shells are a major medical problem to
harbor dozens of different intestinal para- be dealt with by the veterinarian. Turtles
sites most of which are harmless unless are amazingly sturdy and usually weather
numbers are great. all but the most savage attacks. Care
Six different species of oxyurids have must be taken in shell repair since noth-
been isolated from the colon of a single ing separates the carapace from the lungs
tortoise. In this case the tortoise was liv- but a very thin pleuraperiostium. Rough
ing in temperatures much lower than in edges should be debrided and loose pieces
its natural habitat and parasite numbers removed. Holes can be patched with
were allowed to multiply. Unnatural en- epoxy glue, denture repair material, or
vironment and debilitation are often re- hoof repair adhesive. For large holes,
sponsible for heavy parasite loads. Ova stainless steel or nylon mesh may be neces-
are similar to those of mamalian nema- sary as a foundation for the wet prosthetic
todes. Whether the worms cause out- material:13
right disease or just debilitation is un- It may become necessary for a surgical
known. DDVP granules (12.5 mg/kg for 2 procedure to anesthetize the patient. One
days) are recommended for treatment. method is by placing the turtle in a cov-
Another treatment is one gram santonin ered container with a methox);flourane
and one gram calomelol followed in 24 soaked sponge. When he becomes' relaxed
hours by one teaspoon of castor oil.2- 13 a cone is placed over his head and sealed
Flukes inhabit the mouth, urinary blad- against his shell to complete induction. In
der, gastrointestinal tract and lungs but one case induction using this method was
are not pathogenic. Turtles carry tape- accomplished in thirty minutes. During
worms also but there are no deleterious the operation itself, a methoxyflourane

Issue No.1, 1972 31

sponge had to be held over the patient's Of lesser public health significance is
nostrils. 7 Halothane has met with variable the infestation of some turtles with the
success. Because it is more volatile than Ixodid tick which can transmit the spiro-
methoxyflourane a faster induction can be chete (Coxiella burnetti) responsible for Q
anticipated; only two or three breaths are fever in man.!! Antibodies to Leptospira
necessary for induction. The major prob- spp. have been found in turtles and
lem encountered with any inhalant an- snakes. Snakes are capable of transmitting
esthetic is the ability of the turtle to hold the disease-turtles, as yet, have not been
his breath for prolonged periods of time. 13 shown to have this capability. The sig-
Pentobarbitol sodium has been success- nificance of reptiles as a reservoir for west-
fully used at 18 mgjkg I.P. and is effec- ern equine encephalitis is not yet clear.
tive for 2-4 hours. An opium derivative, The survival of the virus through the win-
M-99 or etorphine, can also be used at a ter may depend on its persistence in hi-
dosage of .5 - 5 mg for a 4 lb. turtle I.M:13 hibernating reptiles. The virus has no
Turtles have been shown to be carriers harmful effect on the reptilian host. s
of some human and domestic animal The major turtle diseases and disease
pathogens. The most significant of these conditions have been reviewed. Those of
from a public health standpoint is Salmo- most interest to the veterinary practitioner
nella. Within the last few years outbreaks not associated with a zoo are nutritional
of human Salmonellosis have been re- deficiencies (vitamin A, calcium and phos-
peatedly traced to. turtle carriers. The phorus), fractured shells, pneumonia, and
most common serotype is Salmonella topical fungus infections. Knowledge of
panama. 3 An example of a family out- these very basic conditions is usually ad-
break was recorded in 1965 in the New equate in a general practice.
England Journal of Medicine. Of the five
members of the family clinical signs were
observed in three. REFERENCES

1. Cowan, Daniel F., Diseases of Captive Reptiles,

age symptoms isolation J.A.V.M.A., 153, (1968): 848-859.
2gyrs. abdominal pain Salmonella java 2. Doyle, R. E., Moreland, A. F., Diseases of Turtles,
8 yrs. fever and bloody Salmonella java Laboratory Animal Digest, (1968): 3-6.
diarrhea 3. tEllis, R., Head, Department of Bacteriology, Na-
tional Animal Disease Laboratory, Ames, Iowa,
7 yrs. fever and bloody Salmonella java personal communication, (October 1971)
diarrhea 4. Evans, H. E., Keeping Reptiles as Pets, from
4 yrs. asymptomatic no isolation Current VeteTinary TheTapy IV, Kirk, R. W., W.
3 yrs. asymptomatic no isolation B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, Pa., (1971):
5. Iowa State University small animal clinic case
The patients were treated with ampicillin reports, (1971 ).
and recovered. Since Salmonella java is 6. Kaufmann, A. F., Granulomatous Cophoritis in a
Turtle, J.A.V.M.A., 157 (September I, 1970):
a rare serotype, health officials were able 612-613
to trace the source of the infection by 8. Marcus, L. C., Diseases of Snakes and Reptiles,
from Current Veterinary Therapy III, Kirk, R. W.,
culturing the organism from newly ac- W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, Pa., (1968):
quired red-eared terrapins from a Louisi- 9. Reichenbach·Klinke, H. H. Elkan, E., The Prin-
ana turtle farm. They were not success- ciple Diseases Dr LOWeT VeTtebTates, Academic
Press, N.Y., (1965): 385--546.
ful, however, in recovering the organism 10. Romer, S. A., The Vertebrate Body, second ed.,
from a water sample from the local store W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, Pa., (1955):
from which the turtle had been purchased. 11. Rosenstein, B., et al., A Family Outbreak of
At the Louisiana farm adult turtles may Salmonellosis Traced to a Pet Turtle, New Eng.
land Journal of Medicine, 272, (1965): 960.
have been infected by contaminated raw 12. Schmidt, K. P., Inger, R. F., Living Reptiles of
meat scraps which were incorporated into the World, Hanover House, Garden City, N.Y.:
(1957): 13--40.
their diet.l1 Similar studies in Minnesota 13. Wallach, J. D., Medical care of Reptiles, J.A.V.
also found pet turtles (mostly of the south- M.A., 155, (1969): 1017-1032.
14. World Book Encyclopedia, turtles. Field -Enter-
ern variety) to be infected. prises Educa. Corp. (1958).

32 Iawa State University Veterinarian

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