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Pembukaan :

Hello, My name is Severn Suzuki speaking on behalf of ECO

We Are A Canadian Group Of 12&13 Years Old, Trying To Make A Difference Vannesaa Suttie,
Morga, Geister, Michelle Oug, And Me.

Isi :
We're raising money to get here 6000 miles. To tell you adults that you have to change your ways,
Today is here too. I have no hidden agenda.
I want a future for my self only.
Losing the future is not the same as losing an election or losing the stock market. I am here to speak
for all generations to come.
I am here on behalf of hungry children around the world whose cries are no longer heard.
I am here to speak for the countless animals that are dying all over the planet because of the loss of
their habitat. We can't go unheard.
I'm afraid to be in the sun because of the holes in the ozone layer. I was afraid to breathe because I
didn't know what chemicals the air was carrying.
I used to fish in Vancouver with my dad until a few years ago we discovered that the fish were full of
cancer. And now we hear that animals and plants are becoming extinct one by one every day - lost
In my life, I have had a dream to see a great herd of wild animals, jungles and tropical forests full of
birds and butterflies. But now I don't know if those things are even there for my son to see.
Did you guys have to worry about these little problems when you were the same age as me now?

Penutup :
Are we on your priority list? My dad always said "You are judged by what you do, not what you say".
Unfortunately, what you guys did made me cry at night. You adults say you love us but I challenge
you please do as you say. Thank you.

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