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Learning takeaways on Structuring Data 2

Share what you have learned from Module 3.

I learned about UML or Unified Modeling Language. It’s

purpose is to recast entities into classes and it makes
use of the word class diagram and it’s an upgrade of
the ER diagram. In this session, I also learned that
object orientation has benefits and one of those is
damage containment. To represent an entity's lifecycle,
a new type of diagram called State Transition Diagrams
is included. The State Transition Diagrams are required
for management information systems to see the various
stages that managerial entities pass through. We are
investigating these modeling techniques because we need
to be aware of all of the key tools for data structure.
I also learned that the main difference between Class
Diagram and Entity Relationship Diagram is that Class
Diagram represents the classes and the associations
among them in a software program while an Entity
Relationship Diagram represents the entities and their
relationships between them in a database.

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