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12 Apostles:

1. Simon Peter
2. Andrew
3. James
4. John
5. Philip
6. Bartholomew
7. Matthew
8. Thomas
9. Simon
10. Thaddaeus
11. James – son of Alphaeus
12. Judas
Why did Jesus gather these Apostles? (Pages 45 – 47)
- Jesus gathered these Apostles to become His friends.
What does “fishers of men” mean?
- “Fishers of men” means following Jesus and preach the good news.
Why and how the Apostles chosen?
- The Apostles were chosen because Jesus wants them to love one another.
4 Evangelists:
1. Matthew – wrote about the life and teaching of Jesus
2. Mark – wrote that God has come to saved us through Jesus.
3. Luke – demonstrate that Jesus as a friend of all the people.
4. John – wrote that Jesus is the eternal Son of God. Identified as “the beloved disciple”

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