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Learning activity 2

Evidence: Timelines

This is my timeline, with the most important events in the world.


 I had started school when hurricanes Katrina and Rita devastated New Orleans.
 When I was 7 years old was twitter launched.
 when the eighth cholera pandemic broke out. I wasn't bor.
 I had a euro when I was 15 years old.
 when I was 14 was launch of the PS4 console.
 I was home my grandmother when was Amazon launches the Kindle reader.
 Netherlands was first country to legalize same-sex marriage, I was age 2
 liquid water found on Mars she was age 16.
 In 2020 COVID-19 appears, she was 20 years old.
 Over one billion animals turn up dead in Australia's bushfires, I was 20 years’ old
 February 2021 was launched the vaccine against COVID-19, she was 21 years old


I was born in May 31, 1999 when Queen Elizabeth had been in power for 47 years, I enjoyed the
launch of the first Nintendo Wii console, in my generation of the 21st century many changes have
taken place, new discoveries and evolutions of the human being

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