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Saint Martin´s Summer
A story about the legend of the cloak

It was the 11th of November, in the year 334 AD.

The day was cold , an icy wind was blowing. Winter was fast approaching.
In Amiéne, a small city in nothern France, an old man was begging on the
streets. The man was so poor he had nothing to cover himself with, and he was
shaking with the cold. Everyone ignored him.
The old man then noticed some knights on horseback approaching.
Leading them was a young man who was riding a majestic white horse and
they came close to the old beggar. The young knight stopped.
- Please take pitty on an old man, sir. I´m so cold! - pleaded the beggar.
The knight looked up at the sky, soon it would start snowing. The knight
removed his cloak and took hold of his sword. The beggar thinking that he was
about to be attacked raised his arms to defend himself.
- Do not be afraid - the knight reassured him – I will not hurt you. The only
thinh I own is this cloak and I would like to share it with you so that you
may be protected from the cold.
With those words he cut the cloak in two halves of the same size and gave one
half to the old man.
The beggar´s eyes filled with tears of gratitude at the knight´s kind actions. The
soft wool of the cloak soon began to worm him.
- What´s your name? - he asked.
- My name is Martin - replied the young man – but now I must go.
With that, he road off with the knights. The old man bid him farewell saying. “
You´re kind us Martin, we´ll go down in history and I´ll remember you in my
prayers every day.”
As soon as those words left the men´s mouth, the clouds disapperead and the
sun shone in the sky as if summer had returned. Some of the men ridiculed
Martin for having cut his cloak in two has understood that something truly
special had happened and ask God for forgiveness for not having helped the
old man themselves.
Legend says that Martin slept deeply that night and when he woke up he as
amazed to find his cloak was once again all. The sun still shone high in the sky
and the cold of the previous day had dissapeared.
From that day on, every year on the 11th of November people hope that worm
weather will return, at least for one day, and people celebrate St. Martin´s
summer, the patron saint of the city of

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