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Name : Dwita Maulidyah

NIM : K011201070

Class : English C

The line graph compared trends in incidence of X disease in Someland from 1960 until 1995.
Cases continued to increase and decrease until finally the number of cases became 0

The graph declined sharply in 1990 and remained the same in 1995. Over time, the incidence of
disease x in a place has been increasing and decreasing. Cases experienced a slight increase from
1960 to 1965. The increase continued until 1970 and experienced a sharp increase until 1975.
Cases appeared to be stable after 1980. In 1980 cases began to decline and experienced a sharp
decline until 1990, then in 1980. in 1995 the number of cases declared no longer existed.

Cases on the chart started at less than 100 and rose to 100 in 1965. In 1970 it increased to 200.
And in 1975 it increased rapidly and reached 500 cases, and continued until 1975. T-shirts
managed to hit 0. in 1990 which means the number of cases has been non-existent.

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