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I KILLED ADOLF HITLER by JASON Colored by HUBERT FANTAGRAPHICS BOOKS OTHER BOOKS BY JASON: Hey, Wait... Sshhhht The Iron Wagon Tell Me Something You Can't Get There From Here Why Are You Doing This? Meow, Baby! The Left Bank Gang The Living and the Dead The Last Musketeer (SPRING 2008) FANTAGRAPHICS BOOKS 7563 Lake City Way NE Seattle WA 98115 Designed by Jason and Covey Production by Jacob Covey Lettered by Paul Baresh Edited and translated by Kim Thompson Published by Gary Groth and Kim Thompson Special thanks to Jéréme at Editions de Tournon ~ Carabas. All characters, stories, and artwork © 2007 Ealitions de Tournon ~ Carabas / Jason. Originally published in France under the title ai tué Adolf Hitler All rights reserved. Permission (o quote or reproduce material for reviews or notices must be obtained from Jason or Fantagraphics Books Inc. at 7563 Lake City Way NE, Seattle WA 9815. To receive a free catalog of comics call 1-800-657-1100 or write us at the address above, Distributed in the US. by W.W. Norton and Company, Inc. (212-354-5500). Distributed in Canada by Raincoast Books (800-663-5714), Distributed in the United Kingdom by Turnaround Distribution (208-829-3008), Visit the website for Jipp. who originally publishes Jason's work, at Visit the website for The Beguiling, where Jasons original artwork can be purchased: wwy-beguiling com, Visit the Fantagraphics website, just because: www, First printing: June 2007 ISBN: 9878-1-56087-828-2. Printed in Singapore. MY NIPPLES ARE GETTING HARP... as —=.._ 3 EVERY NIGHT HE HAS HIS MUSIC TURNED UP AS HIGH AS ITLL GO. IT DRIVES: YOU DON'T HAVE TVE, TRIED EVERYTHING. I'VE GONE AND TALKED TO HIN, TIVE POUNDED ON THE WALLS. BUT HE STARTS ALL OVER AGAIN THE NEXT NIGHT. JUST A LITTLE Sos TASKED FOR. BETTER. T HIRED YOU FOUR YEARS AGO. I ASKED YOU TOK... TO TAKE CARE OF MY WIFE, ONT WORRY. 1M HOT LOOKING FOR TROUBLE. YOU DIP YOUR 408. ‘AS FOR ME, I GOT MARRIED TO THIS OTHER WOMAN I'D BEEN SEEING. WE'RE VERY HAPPY. WELL, WE WERE appr. LATELY, ITS MORE LG... WE GET UP, WE AVE OREAMPAST, AND 1 SEE THiS LOOK IN ER EYES. 1 OW WHAT IT MEANS. IVE SEEN IT BEFORE. Guess tp BETTER st GO HOME, GET FT OVER WITH. WISH ME LUCK. “AY MOTHER 1S GETTING RE-MARRIED. DIES IT ALL GOES TO HIM AND 1 GET PAST AND ‘BACK INTO THE RETRIEVING HIM REQUIRES ‘AN ENORMOUS EXPENDITURE. 7. fF YOU FAIL, WE'LL HAVE TO WAIT FIFTY YEARS TO TRY AGAIN, ONCE YOURE INSIDE, ALL YOU HAVE TO BO IS PRESS THE GUTTON. TO ‘RETURN, WUST PRESS ‘THE SAME BUTTON AGAIN, 1 GET DIZZY. DON'T YOU HAVE Tio te posse SOME YOUNG, STRONG ASSISTANT 100 THAT HEAVY PHOTO! WE CAN'T DO THIS bY OURSELVES. I'LL GO ‘GET HELP. ag cit age hy a “TCANT MOVE HIM. | H D5) Kj tet NO, REALLY. NONE OF THIS HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU. SCREWED UP AND NOW IT'S ALL FUCKED. MY EYES ARE. FAILING. EVERYTHING I$ BLURAY AND MY HANDS SHAKE, EM GOOD. GUT THANKS FOR THE COUCH, T ‘APPRECIATE IT. ‘CAN'T YOU GO BACK INTO TIME AND ARRIVE FIVE. ONLY ONCE. IT TAKES MINUTES EARLIER? FIFTY YEARS TO. RECHARGE IT. OKAY. WHAT WOLILP YOU PO IF YOU WERE HITLER AND HAD [ENDED UP IN OUR ERAT THE TWO 6006 ARE 67 THE SAME AUTHOR, HE LIVES HERE, IW BERLIN. PSOU SUPPOSE... 4 p A ‘GOT TO GET GOING, OF Mi i il | Pane ea g lit FT WAS ME WHO TRIED TO HAVE YOU KILLED. I WAS: ANGRY, 1 WAS PISSED OFF AT YOU. AT MYSELF, ‘To, BUT ALLY AT YOU. 1 WAS THE ONE ‘WHO HIRED THE KILLER. WHAT IF we lived in a world where “murderer-for-hire” was as legal and commonplace a profession as doctor or laywer? WHAT IF a scientist hired one of these assassins for the most amazing hit of his career... to go back in time and kill Adolf Hitler before his evil rise to power? AND WHAT IF Hitler managed to survive that assassination attempt, steal the time machine, sneak back to the 21* century....leaving the would-be killer stranded 70 years ago? If you think you can guess the answers to any of these questions... you're wrong. And you need to read I Killed Adolf Hitler, the latest deadpan masterpiece from Jason. ___ {cr ISB 978-1-56097-828-2 $12.95 US

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