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1. Naajihah mafruudloh (09360169)

2. Siska Prihayuniati (09360171)
3. Lena Kartika Dewi (09360173)
4. Frenty Maharini (09360182)
5. Siska Safitri (09360184)
There are Three important things to be payed attention, they are Proffesionalism,
interested in the job being offered, prepare skill and persinality.
Tips for dos and don’ts:
1. Dress for success
For a man uses shoes and wear dress neatly, for example wear nice coat and white
shirt with trousers.
For woman use shoes, same as a man, but there are some prohibition not to do,
they are, don’t use accesories and too much Make up, and clothes with bright
2. Handshakes
Don’t shake the hand too hard, try to make eye contact and smile.
3. Handle some key questions
 Q: Tell about your self!
A: (Don’t tell about your life story. But make clear summarize about your
career, ability, and the goal)
 Assessing the weaknesses
Try to answer weaknesesses focus the area for your job and improve your
greatest instead.
4. Innapropiate question (for interviwer)
Don’t ask about the merried status, religion, and about the family.
For axample the true question:
Q: do you have planned to have a baby for this year?
5. Some important things to remember
 Stand up and greet your interviewer.
 Don’t make too much parfume and cologne
 Bring a copy of your resume
 Ask for your interviewer’s bussiness card
 Turn off your cell phone
6. Must be consistent with your answer
Consistent with your answer also important, for example question for what
position job do you want? and how much salary do you want?
7. Make sure your carm and kind face 
Always smile, and give your best answer purely,directly and honestly.

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