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Unit 13: Activity #1

1. What is your idea about indigenous people.?

 Indigenous people this is the group or communities describe as tribes, cultural
people and inheritors like in our country we have indigenous people and this is
the Igorot tribes.
2. Differentiate indigenous people from cultural minority people. 
 Indigenous people are culturally distinct societies and communities. While,
Cultural minority people refers to a group of people whose practices, race,
religion, ethnicity, or other characteristics are lesser in numbers than the main
groups of those classifications. 
3. Are the Badjao people belong to indigenous group?
 Based on my perspective I can say that Badjao are not belong to the group of
indigenous people but they are similar in the indigenous people because they are
the same neglected tribes.
4. Discuss the concept “Ancestral Lands” claimed by Aeta/Agta.
 In December 1983, a National Congress on Human Rights and Ancestral Land
was held in Quezon city, at the University of the Philippines (UP).
Representatives from throughout the nation attended and presented testimonies
on their local situations. The Congress helped promote a sense of solidarity and
also raised public consciousness in Metro Manila over the problem of ancestral
land usurpation. On the legal front, efforts are also being made on various levels
to protect the land rights of marginalized Filipinos. A few successes have been
reported in local courts. On the national level, in March 1984, the Philippine
Court of Appeals issued an injunction prohibiting the eviction of Dumagot
Negritos in Quezon Province. In that case, for the first-time attorneys from a
Manila-based public interest law organization represented ancestral land
occupants.  In July 1984, the UP College of Law's Indigenous Law Project
published a native language primer titled Legal Rights to Ancestral Land: A
Primer for Filipino Citizens. Efforts by several communities to lease their
ancestral land on a communal or individual basis through the Integrated Social
Forestry Program of the Bureau of Forest Development, or through other
government agencies, are also being pursued.

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