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32 Lesson 5 THE SELF IN WESTERN AND EASTERN/ORIENTAL THOUGHT Motivational Activity: Audio-Visual Presentation on the difference between Western and Eastern in terms of beliefs, practices, values, etc. Group work: Be able to show the difference between eastern and western thoughts through a skit. The comparison between the Eastern and Western thoughts about self led us to the richness of ideas, knowledge, skills, practices, beliefs of both worlds. In Western thought, people tend to think of the self as an entity separate from others. People tend to answer affirmatively. The search for absolute truth is focused on the role of people and individual events. Research and analysis outside the self are bases in finding answers related to absolute truth. This implied that the truth needs to be proven by science. On the other hand, in the Eastern thought, the self is often viewed as an illusion like in the case of Buddhism where they people in interconnectedness. Everything that is happening is in fact is connected. Because of this interconnectedness, the approach to absolute truth is holistic. All events in the universe are all intertwined. Meditation and right living become the bases for searching the inside self. This implied that the truth is already given and does not have to be proven rather look how to find balance. The table shows us more of the differences between the two thoughts in terms of Philosophy, cultural values and mindset which help us appreciate their contributions in the development of the self. EAST WEST z PHILOSOPHY, [EASTERN MAIN PRINCIPLES WESTERN MAIN PRINCIPLES Christianity, Scientific, Rational, The self is embedded in relationships | Logical schools | and through Spiritual Development. Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Integral Yoga, Islam, Taoism, Zen * Believes in cosmological unity| + Feeling oneself as an element * Life is a journey towards of the Divine eternal realities that are| © Life is a service to God, _ money, business, etc. GECC 108- Understanding the Self “Module F beyond realities that surround | us + Circular view of the universe | based on perception of eternal recurrence * Self liberation form the “False Me” and finding the “True | Me”. The highest state is believed to be a state of “No- self” where neither self- worth nor self-importance have any real meaning | [VIRTUE | “Be satisfied with whatever you have and enjoy the same. When you come to know that you have everything and you are not short of anything, then the whole world will be yours” (Lao Tzu) “Five things to be able to become virtuous - gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness, kindness” (Confucius) LIVING PRINCIPLES: 33 « Linear view of the universe | and life based on the Christian philosophy where everything has beginning and the end © Outer-world dependent * Self-dedication to the goal “One can live magnificently in this world if one knows how to work and how to love” (Leo Toistoy) ETHIC | “There is no real excellence in all this world which can be separated from right living” (David Starr Jordar) | BELIEFS AND VALUES The true key is Inside. The inner world of a human being and his/her ability to control and develop it is of highest value. The way to the top is inside yourself through —_self- development. The main values are success and achievement which can be achieved in many ways, but rarely through | developing inner strength. The | majority of success and achievement | criteria have external nature | (money, faith, popularity, etc.) the | way to the top is through Active Outside intervention. SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION OF THE SELF INDIVIDUALISM/COLLECTIVISM. A human being is an integral art of the universe and the society. Duty towards all others is a very important matter. Collectivism is stronger. ‘A human being has an individualistic nature and is an independent part of the universe and the society. Individualism is stronger. Self-sufficiency is encouraged which is relevant to independence. This implies confidence in one’s capacity to provide what the self needs. Being Rational is utilized. The self must not waste resources. GECC 108- Understanding the Self “Module F- [ _" a Cyclic development, hence improvement is a never ending journey that has no limits. Winning is Inside yourself a Spiritual and Missionary approach ACHIEVEMENT/ WINNING IMPLEMENTATION 34 Linear development, hence improvement has a _ goal. | Development stops when the goal is reached. Winning is Outside yourself | Pragmatic and Emotional approach | GOALS AND KEY TO SUCCESS Spiritual “Live a virtuous life and adhere to performing your duties” | (Confucianism) | Materialistic “"The secret of success in life and subsequently of making money is to enjoy your work. If you do, nothing is hard work no matter how many hours you put in” (Billy Butlin) ESTABLISHING CONTROL OVER YOUR EMOTIONS Through Meditation “A man can separate his/her mind from his/her emotions and control | them” (Taoism) _ LEADERSHIP Through Analysis “I can control my passions and emotions if | can understand their nature” (Spinosa) Spiritual Walking behind people. Silence is olden Hands-on Walking ahead of people. Speech is | golden El MODULE SUMMARY In summary, amidst the dichotomy of the Eastern and Western thoughts, the self is developing and being explored. Eastern in general are spiritually and communally inclined. Western traditions put high regard on individualism, self-efficacy, rationality and science. Indeed, the pursuit to understand the self is challenging and interesting. Module 2 will further widen our knowledge of who we are. [Vv] OUTPUT PLAN © Provide comparisons between the Eastern and Western thoughts using a collage. Place it in a 1/8 illustration board. Recyclable materials are encouraged. Make a one paragraph reflection about your work. GECC 108- Understanding the Self -Module I=

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